We’re kicking off 2022 with a BANG! The team at Fedora and LYRASIS hopes you had a great holiday and took some time to relax and recharge and are ready to tackle this new year head on! We have exciting things planned for the coming weeks. We hope you will join us as we build on our accomplishments post-Fedora 6.0 release and look to the future.

Make sure to check out all the links provided here for additional reading for your interest!


Fedora Open House

To kick things off, we are inviting you to join us for our first Fedora Open House! This informal, virtual gathering will bring the community together to learn about all the updates we’ve been working on since the release of Fedora 6.0 in June 2021. We’ll have demos of the core software along with a look at the Camel Toolbox 6.0.0 which was officially released before the holidays.

Along with our demos, we will also be reserving time to open the (virtual) floor to answer any of your questions! A member of our Tech Team will be on hand to offer support or solutions wherever they can. This is also a great opportunity to meet your fellow community members since COVID has made travel difficult for many of us over the last little while.


  • Wednesday, Feb 16, 2022 @10am Eastern
  • FREE to attend! So bring your friends, colleagues and anyone you think might be interested in learning more about Fedora. 

To get your calendar invite and zoom link, send an email to arran.griffith@lyrasis.org.

Fedora Technology Survey

Back in November, we sent out the Fedora Technology Survey, asking you to provide input on features or improvements you would like to see prioritized. The goal was to implement a short-term development cycle focused on what the community was asking for as a means of increasing adoption rates and lowering barriers to migration.

Based on the results of the survey, we have begun the initial leg work on a fixity checking service. We hosted our initial meeting on January 7th to assess requirements, potential approaches, and tools.  Additionally we will begin working on providing more usage statistics via the REST interface and HTML UI. 

As always, if you or your team have interest in working on any of these components, we are always seeking new Committers to join the team. You can start by joining out weekly Tech Calls on Thursdays at 11pm Eastern.

IMLS Grant Update: Fedora Migration Paths and Tools

As the grant (lg-246264-ols-20) draws nearer to completion, we want to remind the community that the purpose and focus of all of the work is to develop tools and pilot and document migration processes for upgrading from earlier versions of Fedora to Fedora 6. Both partner institutions have been instrumental in the development of the migration toolkit that will soon be available to the community for feedback and testing.

Things to look forward to:

  • In the coming weeks the initial draft of the migration documentation and toolkit will be released to the community for the first round of feedback. While this toolkit will be openly available for anyone to review, we are particularly interested in working with institutions with existing Fedora 3.x repositories that would like to test the tools and documentation and provide feedback to help us improve the resources.
  • After all initial feedback is received we will review any changes before finalizing the document for the broader community.
  • In tandem with finalizing this document, we will begin the planning process for holding a migration training workshop. Please keep your eyes open for more details on this workshop as we navigate the intricacies of travel amid new COVID restrictions.

If your institution is interested in the possibility of hosting this training workshop (should we be able to host in-person events), please contact Arran Griffith (arran.griffith@lyrasis.org) for more information.

Demo Videos

With the release of the Camel Toolbox v6.0.0, Danny created a brief introductory video to share with you about using the tool. You can watch it on our YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/AjXDJNpsoRQ

Also check out the Camel Toolbox HTTP Service video made by Demian Katz from Villanova University here: https://youtu.be/zW-AuC9DtmQ

As we move into 2022, we are committed to continuing to release a monthly demo video. This way we can keep you up to date on what we’re working on as well as provide you with a collection of resources to refer back to at any time. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay in the loop!

Fedora Registry

Part of our mission with Fedora 6.0 is to better understand our user install base.  As a result we are reaching out to the community now to help with these efforts. Is your institution in our registry? If so, are all the details up to date? Check out the current Fedora Registry here: https://duraspace.org/fedora/community/fedora-users/

Need an update or need to add your instance? Use this link: https://duraspace.org/registry/register-your-site/

By understanding our install base and what versions of Fedora are being used, we will be better prepared to provide the support necessary for our entire community.

Membership - Your support is valuable!

Fedora is an open-source, community-supported program funded entirely by membership contributions. This funding supports staff to work on developing, teaching, engaging and supporting Fedora users across the globe. Without our members, we would not be able to support the preservation of the vital content contained within the repositories of our users. Find out how you can help. Learn more and become a member today!

Get Involved

Fedora is designed, built, used, and supported by the community. Join the conversation on our Fedora Slack channel or sign up for our Fedora community mailing list to stay in the loop. You can find more details here.

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