They say April showers bring May flowers, and we are excited to see what’s popping up in the Fedora community this month. Read on for more about what has been happening and what to expect within the Fedora community.  


Membership Renewal Time! 

This month we began our annual membership renewal process. The program team began early communications with all previous members to ensure all contact information was up-to-date and that messaging would be reaching the proper individual. If you know of changes since last year at your institution, please reach out to Arran Griffith at to make updates. 

Reasons to Become a Member: 

  • Continued development efforts on the core software post 6.0 release and for the planning of future development based on community needs 
  • Paid program staff to ensure daily operations continue to support the needs of the community  
  • A voice in program governance 
  • Discounts on LYRASIS Learning programs and opportunity to attend Annual LYRASIS Members Summit 

Not a member yet, but want to learn more? Read more about how your membership donation can help protect and preserve the priceless content contained within Fedora repositories around the world and continue to support open access and open source programs like ours. 

Fedora 6.2 –Release Candidate 

We are happy to share that we are beginning the release process for Fedora 6.2.0.  

New features include: 

  • Repository Stats API endpoint. This feature provides resource and byte counts by mime type as well as resource type.  
  • Improvements to the search UI enabling users to specify multiple search conditions as well as version listing for binaries. 
  • We’ve also made it possible to reindex existing resources on demand. 

In addition to the above features, the release includes six bug fixes and handful of security updates. Thanks to the entire team who contributed, committed and has delivered on the new features and continually strive to ensure the software is meeting community needs. 

Fedora 5.1.2 Release Candidate 

A release candidate for Fcrepo 5.1.2 is available for testing by the community and we are seeking users to test it out. It incorporates bug fixes related to external binaries as well as dependency updates, including upstream updates to the underlying Modeshape layer. 

Download and test out the Release Candidate here: 

Where to Find Us 

May (tentative) Code4Lib Poster Session 

Poster Title: Welcome to Fedora 6.0: New Features & Integration Tooling for Community Use Cases 

JuneOpen Repositories 2022 

Workshop: Welcome to Fedora 6.0 

Presentations: Repository Rodeo & IMLS Grant Update: Fedora Migration Paths and Tools: A Pilot Project (tentative) 

Where will you be this conference season? We would love to hear where you are planning to be so that we can coordinate and get the opportunity to try and connect face-to-face with our community members. 

See a conference you want to attend and have a collaborative idea you’d like to work with the Fedora team on? Email us at We would love to work together on join presentations to help bring Fedora to more users. 

Staffing News 

We recently announced that Daniel Bernstein, our current acting Tech Lead, has accepted a new position and will be fully stepping away from the Fedora Program later this year. Danny has been a mainstay of Fedora both as a software project and as a community. Along with work from Mike Ritter, who remains in his role, and others in the community, Danny has helped shepherd Fedora 6 to a successful deployment. He has kept the project moving forward and coordinated a roadmap for the near-term future. We are fortunate and grateful that Danny will continue to spend some of his time on Fedora even as he transitions into his new role.

The Program Team and Fedora Governance, in partnership with our organizational home, LYRASIS, are committed to continuing the forward momentum of the program in all areas while we evaluate and discuss options for filling the vacancy. A strategic planning committee, with volunteers from the community, began in January of this year to help determine future program direction and will continue to focus on the technical needs as a part of their endeavors. This strategic work will help inform technical staffing needs best suited for Fedora. 

Fedora always has been, and will continue to be, strong because of our people. With our dedicated team of committers and a plugged-in and active community, we will continue to provide the same level of support. Though he is not gone yet, we will miss Danny and wish him all the best! 

IMLS Grant Update 

We are excited to be reaching the final stages of the IMLS Grant (LG-246264-OLS-20): Fedora Migration Paths and Tools Project. With the cutover to the new Whitman College site nearly complete we have begun compiling the Migration Toolkit which will then be shared with the community for initial feedback and testing. We expect to have the Toolkit available for review in the next 2 weeks, so please keep your eyes open for it. 

In the meantime, you can read more about the entire Grant process on our wiki here. You can also read all of our previous blog posts here. 

What’s Happening in Our Partner Communities 


  • Call for proposals is open for Samvera Virtual Connect with an extended deadline of March 15, 2022. It will take place online May 4-5, 2022.  Submit your proposal here: 
  • Samvera Connect is coming back to in-person! It will be hosted by The University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana from Oct 24-27, 2022. 
  • The Samvera Annual Report was released and can be found on their wiki here. 


Fedora Registry 

Part of our mission with Fedora 6.0 is to better understand our user install base. As a result, we are reaching out to the community now to help with these efforts. Is your institution in our registry? If so, are all the details up to date? Check out the current Fedora Registry here: 

Need an update or need to add your instance? Use this link: 

By understanding our install base and what versions of Fedora are being used, we will be better prepared to provide the support necessary for our entire community.

Membership - Your support is valuable! 

Fedora is an open-source, community-supported program funded entirely by membership contributions. This funding supports staff to work on developing, teaching, engaging and supporting Fedora users across the globe. Without our members, we would not be able to support the preservation of the vital content contained within the repositories of our users. Find out how you can help. Learn more and become a member today! 

Get Involved 

Fedora is designed, built, used, and supported by the community. Join the conversation on our Fedora Slack channel or sign up for our Fedora community mailing list to stay in the loop. You can find more details here.

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