
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**

(star) - denotes note taker


  1. Announcements:
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. ISLE/Fedora user question about Solr: https://groups.google.com/g/islandora/c/omyfFQlnF40/m/Kg-lSYKLBAAJ
      1. Did anyone get anywhere with this since last week?
    2. Committer Code Signing Key Process
      1. Is any further action needed?
    3. Release Process Review
      1. Should we schedule a time to do a collective review / walkthrough of the release process?
    4. Fedora Technology Survey deadline has been extended to 1/31; keep reminding people to participate!
    5. Next note taker: Calvin is not in the rotating schedule but was listed for today's meeting; should he be added to rotation? Should someone else be listed as next note taker below? (Current selection is based on following on from 1/11 meeting).
  3. Migration Updates:
  4. Updates on:

    1. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 

      1. FCREPO-3918 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      2. FCREPO-3917 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      3. FCREPO-3912 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      4. FCREPO-3910 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      5. FCREPO-3906 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    2.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

      1. FCREPO-3919 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    3. In Review:

      1. FCREPO-3907 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      2. FCREPO-3883 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      3. FCREPO-3881 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  5. New tickets:

    1. None this week.
  6. Backlog Tickets to consider working:
  7. Next Meeting Chair:
    1. Chair: Ben Pennell
    2. Note Taker: Doron Shalvi

See Rotating Schedule here  



Samvera Dev Congress

Pop Up Topics

  • ISLE question from Slack- fgs repo is the default name as far as gsearch is concerned
    • Jared will send a follow up with suggestion to the Islandora mailing list
    • Seems to be a problem between Fedora and GSearch

Committer Code Signing Key Process/Release Process Review

  • Where should we put the keys because old process doesn’t work
    • Would be good to keep them on a public key server
    • Jared added links to the wiki, and as long as any of these are used Sonotype will allow
    • Thomas’ suggestion is to create a separate Fedora signing key
    • Need to add it to the wiki somewhere for now
  • Organize a group call to do the release live  (fcrepo core, camel toolbox, migration-utils)
    • Can everyone commit to looking at it in advance of the actual release
  • RC on the 15th for release on February 29th
    • Use tech meeting time to work through the process


3818 - just a collection of ideas to simplify the process. Will look at finding time to test processes and hopefully this will simplify the release process

3917 - 

3912 - changed name in pipeline fir docker image rebuild but not for fcrepo rebuild itself?

  • May be resolved by the simplification of the release process
  • https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo/blob/main/.github/workflows/build.yml
    • Fix that GitHub action to remove current tags and only build with the tag of whatever we choose
    • Remove it from the docker repo also
    • Here we use “latest + version” tag
    • Building main in this, and main isn’t always the most recent release
    • Maybe stick with maven naming convention? “Main” is the tag?
    • Consideration to stop using “latest” tag entirely
  • No labels