Fedora Strategic Planning Sub-Committee - Resources Group

Date: Thurs. Aug 18, 2022


Heather Greer Klein



Jennifer G.





DSpace Development Fund:


  • Maybe we can think about this as an opportunity to get some integrations or heavier lift tech features built or funded
  • Service providers could contribute to the work that needs to be done if we had service providers interested in joining in some capacity
  • “Bounty “ concept to get work done where institutions pay for a feature to give back to the community
    • Ask Mike to estimate out costs of doing the work and people can contribute funds or resources to getting it done
    • Could ask for funds or developers hours
    • Ideas: OAI-PMH, light-weight front end, integrations

Marketing/Funding Campaign

  • One-time funding opportunities via cc or specialized invoice
  • Drupal community does this
  • Maybe we can send this as a campaign using the details gathered from the membership survey
  • Doesn’t work for all institutions because many have restrictions on use of cc and funding caps etc but worth pursuing for additional funding in any capacity

OSS Landscape Analysis:


Samvera Service Providers/Consortia Model

    • When originally looking at funding model tried to take a nod from DSpace, but it didn’t work for the way Samvera was structured and their community models (i.e. invited partners vs. paid members)
    • Financial Model for Partners is very different from Fedora
      • Partners are invited to join based on involvement in the community - need to have demonstrated investment in community before being asked to become a partner
      • No set number of partners, but Samvera tries to intentionally stay small so that we can understand how the different partners are engaging
      • Partners can then be elected to the Samvera Board
    • Service Providers have a different financial model than Institutional Partners
      • Based on number of customers
      • SPs can be elected to the Samvera Board
  • Important to provide something tangible or a value add proposition - what is that for Fedora?
    • Model like ASpace doesn’t work for something like Samvera because there is too much software and limiting things like documentation would be impossible to manage
    • Simple things like eliminating terminology like “Membership” can be a value add in and of itself
  • How to showcase what we are actually doing with the money
    • Sharing more regularly what is done each quarter or something along those lines
    • Education to AUL/Deans about what the money is being spent on
    • Continue to encourage “Paying for the software you are using”
  • No labels