Fedora Strategic Planning Sub Committee Meeting

Date: June 2, 2022


  • Arran Griffith
  • Laurie Arp
  • Tim Shearer (Steering Chair)
  • Jennifer Gilbert (Chair-Elect)
  • Robin Ruggaber
  • Scott Prater
  • Thomas Bernhart
  • Heather Greer-Klein
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Kate Dohe
  • Rosalyn Metz
  • Jon Dunn

ITAV Facet: Technology

ITAV Activity: https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/ITAV/ITAViP+Toolkit%3A+Technology?preview=/225150170/225150507/ITAViP_Tech_P3_ListOfDreams.docx



Fedora embraces ethical source principles

pre-built expression for indexing/harvesting (e.g. google)

Fedora standards implementation remains flexible to local implementations - can opt in to LDP, or out, for example

Integration with long term preservation technologies/services

Easily integrate with ILS, ArchivesSpace, etc.

Fedora supports multitenant implementations

Fedora could scale horizontally (sharded repositories, managed by a load -balancing, parallel processing capable main repo)

Supported Fedora - Archivematica integration

Move to PREMIS 3 ontology

Keep fedora current in terms of technology (I'm happy with the current feature set of Fedora)

Replace the WebAC access control (partial) specification with something...better

default behaviors/configurations that are easy to understand and adopt (while keeping the ability to configure pretty robustly for those who can dig in).  Maybe a "performant" setting, a "preservation" setting, etc.

Fedora would be tested/certified with a variety of cloud and on-premise underlying storage systems

Apache mod_fedora plugin to integrate Apache seamlessly with Fedora

Relevant installation information gathering to meet privacy requirements globally

Fedora could replace DSpace as a self-submit institutional repository system

Multi-lingual support

Fedora would be written to support/facilitate international adoption

Make a Fedora admin UI

Fedora's admin UI meets WCAG standards

Fedora would support "side-loading" ingest mechanism for content moved directly into underlying storage (maybe someone will tell me this is already possible!)

Fedora would have a robust one-click install front end UI

"lite" interface that is separate from the core, but built by fedora for those who don't use or can't afford samvera, islandora, or a "fat client" local development effort

redefine Fedora away from a piece of software, middleware

Fedora deployment and maintenance is possible without heavy developer expertise

"push button" upgrade

Fedora would provide easy access to usage and storage analytics/metrics via a dashboard and API

Fedora would not be bound to the LDP (Linked Data Platform) specification

focus on being even more of a black box (plug and play in any repo system) that just works.  double down on api and specs

Fedora would include standard deployment models for common environments, e.g. AWS, Kubernetes, etc. (maybe this is already true??)

Ability to (within the spirit of privacy, not just the law) centralize data that informs decision making (size, version, etc)

Fedora would support high-latency (i.e. tape) storage, possibly through an S3 gateway, to enable large digital preservation use cases

Move away from java (not necc a change to the behavior, just about recruitment of skilled labor)

fedora would become a specification like IIIF that works with many technologies are either side talking Fedora

The fedora application would go away entirely and we would rely on the standards it is built on and ocfl-java

The fedora application would be in a programming language that is more accessible to the library community.

The fedora API would become a widely adopted API and standard.  It would not be tied specifically to Fedora but instead be spun off as its own specification.


  • Voting not included here, as there are duplicate "ideas"
    • Will allow participants time to provide feedback on how to combine the ideas and will redistribute the votes accordinly

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