
Time: 11:00am Eastern Time (US)

Please see the calendar invite for the Zoom link.


  1. Laurie Gemmill Arp 
  2. Thomas Bernhart 
  3. Danny Bernstein 
  4. Jon Dunn(star)
  5. Jennifer Gilbert
  6. Emily Gore
  7. Arran Griffith
  8. Mark Jordan
  9. Rosalyn Metz 
  10. Robert Miller
  11. Este Pope 
  12. Scott Prater
  13. Robin Lindley Ruggaber
  14. Oliver Schöner
  15. Timothy Shearer 
  16. Jennifer Vinopal
  17. Kate Dohe
  18. Heather Greer Klein
  19. Stacey Erdman
  20. Jakov Vežić

((star)) Indicates Note Taker


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Previous Action Items


Search update (Tim)

  • Announced new Program Manager
  • Part-time through May, then moving to full-time
  • Thanks to Laurie for coordinating and to Jennifer, Scott, Este for helping with the search
  • Official announcement going out soon

Governance Group Meetings (Tim Shearer)

  • Proposal to combine both Leadership and Steering groups for remainder of this academic year (in line with governance terms).
  • Steering is subset of Leaders, difference between two groups right now is very small
  • Currently: Leaders meets quarterly, Steering monthly
  • Propose to combine groups for the next year and meet every other month
    • Would result in two additional meetings this year for people on Leaders but not Steering
  • Not meant to be permanent
  • Group agrees to move ahead with this
  • Next governance meeting will be in May - Arran will send out Doodle poll

Strategic Planning Sub-Committee Update (Jennifer Gilbert)

  • The subcommittee met last Friday to go through activities from top vote getters from previous ITAV exercise: Resources, Community Engagement
  • Group voted on top activities from Resources and Community Engagement (and also Technology)
  • Split into two groups: Resources, Community Engagement
    • Selected first activity and facilitator 
  • Community Engagement first activity; Identify stakeholder gaps (March 22)
    • Jon, Kate, Robin, Jakov, Danny
  • Resources first activity: Diversifying income streams (March 17)
    • Rosy, Tim, Scott, Jared, Jennifer G., Jared, Heather (helping with facilitation of activities)
  • Next full group meeting will be in April - Doodle poll is out

User Installation Information Gathering (Tim)

  • As Fedora 3 moved into 4/5, caused some reputational issues in the community
  • Some of that lingers even with Fedora 6 out
  • Need to get more information
    • e,g, How many installs are there? What are the sizes? What versions? What other tools are they being used with (e.g. Islandora, Fedora)?
  • Last datapoints come from survey in 2017
  • Can we get data from the software itself?
    • Privacy challenges
    • Privacy laws stricter in Europe than NA
  • Plan from Steering: Get together on the next Tech Call (March 17 11-12 ET) to talk about kicking off a process to see what can be done
  • One model: OJS has a "beacon" that sends back basic information upon installation (opt-in)
  • Won't help with existing versions/deployments of Fedora but could help in future
  • Scott: More online documentation aimed at current Fedora users (and those who inherit an existing Fedora and want to know their options) could be helpful
  • Current registry is voluntary, only a few recent updates

IMLS Grant Update (Arran)

  • Next phase was supposed to be hosting an in-person migration workshop
  • Asked about this in survey - based on results and limited response (10), general feeling is people aren't ready to think about migrating or aren't willing to travel yet
  • Beginning process of looking at creating digital content in place of in-person workshop
  • Possibility of virtual event but scheduling could be challenging
  • Hire outside firm to do professional recording/production of video content
  • Look at transcription, language translation for this content to make it more accessible to broader portion of community
  • Possibility of organizing an online session with combination of synchronous instruction and independent work
  • Will be looking for members of community to participate in recorded presentations - let Arran know if interested

Technology Update (Arran, Danny)

  • See report that went out in advance of the meeting
  • Team mostly focused on bug fixes
  • Planning 6.2 release by end of March
    • Bug fixes, dependency updates
    • New feature: stats reporting - basic stats on content of repository, # of objects: binary vs. non-binary objects, by MIME type, etc.
  • Camel toolbox has been released

Contributor License Agreements (Danny)

  • Have been maintaining CLAs since project began. Don't have 100% coverage for all small contributions but have CLAs for major contributors
  • CLAs falling out of fashion in open source projects, cause drag on project, esp. when large numbers of contributors
    • DSpace, RedHat do not use CLAs
  • Issues mainly theoretical; in practice, has never been a problem
  • See Contributor License Agreements: Do we really need them? for pros and cons
  • Some motivations no longer apply given Git/GitHub
  • Has Lyrasis consulted legal counsel? No
  • Thomas: Would make it easier to change license later on
  • Jon: Individual developers employed by institutions not able to enter into legal agreements, CLAs help with this, but still not be a big issue
  • GitHub can help automate CLA process (at least individual - not institutional - CLAs) - Samvera is moving to this
  • Scott: What are risks of not having CLAs? May want to consult with lawyer
  • In Apache Software Foundation, CLAs are required for committers but not contributors (though encouraged for committers) - could be a compromise
  • If licensing processes are changed, would update the welcome package/code of conduct to reflect
    • Are other updates to CoC necessary?
  • Arran will share CLA text with the group to help us fully consider this issue