Welcome to the July issue of the Fedora Newsletter. While we’re all heading into summer vacation mode we’re here to keep you in the loop on all things Fedora.  Make sure to check out all the links provided for additional reading for your interest!


It’s Official - Fedora 6.0 Production Release Is Now Available!

We are excited to officially announce that the Fedora 6.0 Production Release is available! 

Thanks to community input and testing, we executed the release candidate testing phase and are proud to deliver a robust, performant and highly reliable piece of software. The team is extremely happy with the state of Fedora 6.0 and are excited to get it in the hands of the community!

Highlights of Fedora 6.0 include:

  1. Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) persistence
  2. Robust migration tooling and documentation
  3. Improved performance and scale
  4. Built-in simple search
  5. Minimal API changes

A very special thanks to the core development team whose outsized contributions brought Fedora 6 across the finish line:

  • Danny Bernstein, LYRASIS
  • Ben Pennell, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 
  • Peter Winkles, University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Jared Whiklo, University of Manitoba
  • Andrew Woods, Harvard University Libraries (formerly LYRASIS)

We are extremely grateful to have a dedicated community focused on ensuring the future of Fedora by contributing to its development. We want to say big thank you, as well, to the following individuals for their contributions over the last 2-years to help us achieve this milestone:

  • Jon Roby - University of Manitoba
  • Peter Eichman - University of Maryland
  • Mohamed Mohideen Abdul Rasheed - University of Maryland
  • Aaron Birkland - Johns Hopkins University
  • Youn Noh - Yale University
  • Dan Field - National Library of Wales
  • Jenny A’Brook - National Library of Wales
  • Richard Williams  - National Library of Wales
  • Michal Dulinski - National Library of Wales
  • Remigiusz Malessa - National Library of Wales

How to Get Fedora 6.0

Try it out:

1) Download the one-click-run: 

2) Run in docker:

  • docker run -p8080:8080 --name=fcrepo6 fcrepo/fcrepo:6.0.0

3) Download and deploy the WAR file:

The following tools are also available for use:

Documentation can be found here..

For migration instructions for Fedora 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x visit this page.

As always, we are reaching out to the community now to begin downloading and trying it out. Please use the fedora-tech mailing list or the #fedora-6-testing channel in the Fedora Slack to provide any feedback. We can’t wait to see it in action!

IMLS Grant Update: Fedora Migration Paths and Tools

This grant (lg-246264-ols-20) is focused on developing, piloting, and documenting migration tools and paths for upgrading Fedora 3 repositories to Fedora 6. Fedora staff and the grant partners have been working hard on this project and are pleased to share the following updates:

  1. The University of Virginia pilot is largely complete, and the Whitman College team is just about ready to begin their production migration. We will proceed collection-by-collection using Islandora Workbench to make it easier to test and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the migration. At the same time, we are preparing documentation for the community on the migration steps that were taken, as well as theme and site configuration documentation for those following a similar path.
  2. We are nearing the end of the pilot phase of the grant, after which we will finalize a draft of the migration toolkit and share it with the community for feedback. While this toolkit will be openly available for anyone who would like to review it, we are particularly interested in working with institutions with existing Fedora 3.x repositories that would like to test the tools and documentation and provide feedback to help us improve the resources. If you would like to be more closely involved in this effort please contact David Wilcox <david.wilcox@lyrasis.org> for more information.

Stay tuned for future updates!

Migration Workshop

In June we held our first ever Migration Workshop, hosted by LYRASIS Learning and facilitated by David Wilcox and Danny Bernstein. Thanks to the Fedora Migration Paths and Tools project funded by the IMLS (LG-246264-OLS-20), the workshop was held free of charge and we were pleased to welcome a very engaged group of participants. David and Danny walked attendees through the process of migrating a small Fedora 3 data set to Fedora 6 using all of the new tooling available with the release.

In the coming days we will be sharing the recorded session with the community so those of you who were unable to attend can watch the workshop on our YouTube channel. You can subscribe by clicking here.



  • All Aboard the Fedora Train - This month we unveiled a new image to represent the Fedora 6 release. Read all about it in our blog post where Arran explains the process for collaboratively creating this image.


  • Fedora is back on Twitter! Join in the conversation by following us at @FedoraProgram on Twitter.


  • This month we also had a special feature from one of our news community members - UC Davis Library. In the video, Quinn Hart shared with us the role Fedora plays in helping manage one of their special collections. You can watch the video here.
  • Fedora Migration Validator - We also released a video demonstrating how the new migration validator works and how to run it. 

Activities in Related Communities - June


  • Summer of Islandora - June Edition
    • The first Summer of Islandora session kicked off at the end of June with great success. In lieu of an online conference event this year, the IF decided to repurpose their regularly scheduled Open Meetings and theme them based on input from the community.
    • June’s theme was “Intro to Islandora” where demos involved Intro to Islandora, an overview of Islandora Workbench and an Intro to Taxonomies & Linked Agents. All sessions were recorded and can be found on their YouTube channel.
    • Next Event: July 27th, 10-2pm Eastern.
  • Islandora 2.0 (previously called Islandora 8) is nearing release
    • The tech team is currently wrapping up a final testing sprint, after which, Islandora 2.0 will be cut and ready for release. Stay tuned for more details.


  • Officially announces the community’s new organizational home - OASIS Open
    • Press release can be read here.
  • Summer Developer Congress & Introduction to Hyrax and Community Code

Membership - Your support is valuable!

Fedora is an open-source, community-supported program funded entirely by membership contributions. This funding supports staff to work on developing, teaching, engaging and supporting Fedora users across the globe. Without our members, we would not be able to support the preservation of the vital content contained within the repositories of our users. Find out how you can help. Learn more and become a member today!

Get Involved

Fedora is designed, built, used, and supported by the community. If you want to get involved but don’t know where to start, dropping in to one of our weekly Tech calls is a great place to meet the team and find out what we’re working on. You can find more details here.

Register Your Repository

Is your repository listed in the registry? Help us maintain reliable information on the community of Fedora users around the world by registering your repository today. You can also request an update to an existing entry by selecting your entry and filling out the online form. 

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