Welcome to the June issue of the Fedora Newsletter. This month we are back to giving you all the updates on community developments and keeping you up-to-date on what is going on. Make sure to check out all the links provided for additional reading for your interest!

Membership - Your support is valuable!

Fedora is an open-source, community-supported program funded entirely by membership contributions. This funding supports staff to work on developing, teaching, engaging and supporting Fedora users across the globe. Without our members, we would not be able to support the preservation of the vital content contained within the repositories of our users. Find out how you can help. Learn more and become a member today!


Fedora 6 Release Candidate

Well it’s official - the Fedora 6.0 Release Candidate is available and ready for testing! The Release Candidate announcement means we are nearing the end stages of almost two years of commitment and dedication from the team and our devoted community members as we head toward a full production release of the software.

Pending any issues discovered in the testing of the release candidate, the 6.0.0 release is planned for June 18, 2021.

The following is a list of 31 updates since our 6.0.0-beta1 release (late February 2021):


There are several ways you can test this release candidate:

1) Download the one-click-run: 

2) Run in docker:

  • docker run -p8080:8080 --name=fcrepo6 fcrepo/fcrepo:6.0.0-RC-1

Please use the release testing page (https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/FF/Release+Testing+-+6.0.0), fedora-tech mailing list or the #fedora-6-testing channel in the Fedora Slack to provide feedback on this release.

Thank you again to our amazing team for their hard work and dedication to making the next step in this release process possible. Now it’s full steam ahead toward Production Release...

Membership Awareness Month Recap

Last month we focused our weekly communications on highlighting and celebrating our vast community of members. Through specialized content we shared what we think it means to be a Fedora Member.

Each week was themed around connecting with the community and we encouraged community members to engage with us through social media and fun little activities all related to Fedora. All of the details about our Membership Awareness Month can be found on the wiki here.

As part of our Membership Awareness Month we also ran a month-long campaign to feature institutions who wanted to share their repositories with us. A special thanks to Amherst College, the National Library of Medicine (U.S.) and the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill for participating in the first round of featurettes. We are still accepting submissions for “Feature My Institution” and you can submit your institution to be included in feature showcases by using the following form: https://forms.gle/UhAc1eSbCiV1iRjS8

IMLS Grant Update: Fedora Migration Paths and Tools

This grant (lg-246264-ols-20) is focused on developing, piloting, and documenting migration tools and paths for upgrading Fedora 3 repositories to Fedora 6. Fedora staff and the grant partners have been working hard on this project and are pleased to share the following updates:

  1. The University of Virginia has completed their data migration and successfully indexed the content into a new Fedora 6.0 instance deployed in AWS using the fcrepo-aws-deployer tool. They have also tested the fcrepo-migration-validator tool and provided some initial feedback to the team for improvements. Some work remains to update front-end indexes for the content in Fedora 6.0, and the team will also investigate some performance issues that were encountered while migrating and indexing content in the Amazon AWS environment in order to document any relevant recommendations for institutions wishing to migrate to a similar environment.
  2. The Whitman College team has been busy iterating on test migrations of representative collections into a staging server using the islandora_workbench tool. The team has been making updates to the migration tool, site configuration, and documentation along the way to better support future migrations. In particular, the work the team has done to iterate on the spreadsheets until they were properly configured for ingest will be very useful to other institutions interested in following a similar path. Once the testing and validation of functional requirements is complete we will begin the full migration into the production site.
  3. We are nearing the end of the pilot phase of the grant, after which we will finalize a draft of the migration toolkit and share it with the community for feedback. While this toolkit will be openly available for anyone who would like to review it, we are particularly interested in working with institutions with existing Fedora 3.x repositories that would like to test the tools and documentation and provide feedback to help us improve the resources. If you would like to be more closely involved in this effort please contact David Wilcox <david.wilcox@lyrasis.org> for more information.

Stay tuned for future updates!



Meet the Team - we sat down with David, Danny, Arran and Mike from the Fedora staff team to learn a little more about their stories and find out how they got involved with Fedora.

IMLS Grant Update - David walks us through the most recent developments from the Fedora Migration Paths and Tools Project.


Fedora is back on Twitter! Join in the conversation by following us at @FedoraProgram on Twitter.

Activities in Related Communities - May


  • Islandora continues to hold their monthly Open Meetings where community and non-community members can show up any time during the 4-hour window (10:00am-2:00pm Eastern) to ask questions and see the planned demos. Open Meetings are hosted on the last Tuesday of each month.
  • ISLE 1.5.7 was released (for ISLE, Drupal and Islandora 7.x only).
    • Full release notes can be found here.


  • Avalon 7.2.1 was released.
    • Full release notes can be found here.
  • Samvera released their 2020 Annual Report highlighting and recapping all of their achievements from the past year.
  • Summer Developer Congress was announced and will be focused on getting started with Hyrax, Samvera technologies and community contribution. It will take place July 12-16 virtually.

Coming Up Next…

Stay tuned this month for the following:

Migrating Fedora 3.x to Fedora 6.0 Workshop - Hosted by LYRASIS Learning, Fedora will be holding a migration workshop on June 22, 2021at 11:00am Eastern. It will be offered free of charge thanks to the Fedora Migration Paths and Tools project funded by the IMLS (LG-246264-OLS-20) .

The workshop will provide an overview of the Fedora 3.x to 6.0 migration path including a detailed walkthrough of the migration-utils and fcrepo-migration-validator. More details on registration and content of the workshop can be found here.

Fedora at Open Repositories 2021 - The Fedora team will be presenting at Open Repositories on June 8, 2021 at 4:00pm UTC. Our presentation, Fedora Software and Community Update: All Aboard for Fedora 6.0, will be presented by David Wilcox and Arran Griffith. Also see our community update in the Repository Rodeo presented by Tim Shearer from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Conferences & Events

In an effort to consolidate conference information for all community members, we have created an active Conferences section on the wiki which can be accessed at any time here. Our goal is to keep this as up-to-date as possible to provide a single source of information surrounding on-going conferences and workshops.

Upcoming Conferences

  • Open Repositories 2021 - June 7-10, 2021 (online)

Get Involved

Fedora is designed, built, used, and supported by the community. If you want to get involved but don’t know where to start, dropping in to one of our weekly Tech calls is a great place to meet the team and find out what we’re working on. You can find more details here.

Register Your Repository

Is your repository listed in the registry? Help us maintain reliable information on the community of Fedora users around the world by registering your repository today. You can also request an update to an existing entry by selecting your entry and filling out the online form. 

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