

  1. Any additional feedback from demo?
  2. Updates
    1. New release of repository-extension-services includes ldcache extension
    2. JHU finishing up package ingest extension, not in Maven Central yet.
    3. Added object indexing to demo images, found and fixed bug in Fedora regarding setting JMS baseUrl
    4. Hostname and ease-of-configuration improvements
    5. OSGi issue from Islandora needs diagnosis/fixing
  3. Finalize details of next milestone
    1. Target date - "mid to late march" for conferences/meetings?
    2. Demo exercises that showcase functionality
      1. Triple store with service documents and object content
      2. Intercepting modality
    3. Demo exercises that showcase extensions and use-cases
      1. Amherst LDPath?
      2. JHU package ingest?
      3. any more?
  4. Upcoming conferences - API-X content?
    1. DC Fedora Users Group (22-23 March) - presentation, hands-on workshop.
    2. LDCX (March 27-29) - Anybody planning API-X activities?
    3. Open Repositories (26-30 June 2017) - presentation, hands-on workshop.


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