
  • Time: 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)
  • Call-in: DuraSpace conference line
    • 209-647-1600,   117433#



  1. The role of the Leadership group going forward
  2. The relationship between the Leadership and Steering groups
  3. Should the Leadership group have a chair?


  • Administrative notes
    • fedora-advisors list will become fedora-leaders
  • Role of the Leadership group
    • Elect steering
    • Draw the working groups
    • Leadership group should be able to engage as much as they want
    • Working groups may derive from common interests in the leadership team
    • Steering Group should manage detailed budget and work with DuraSpace
    • Supply developers, lead marketing
    • Roadmap
  • Chair for Leadership Group
    • Leadership group should have a separate chair and set a separate agenda?
    • A single chair for both groups? SG is a higher level working group or sub committee of Leadership
  • Technical Working Group
    • Need a Technical Working Group
    • Leadership has more technical depth than Steering
    • Declan and Neil are interested
    • Andrew should also be on the group
    • Some committers should also be on the technical group
    • Needs: Charter, deliverables; what is core/non-core
    • Leadership group is the customer for the group’s deliverables (for approval)
    • WG makes proposals to Leadership group
    • Architecture
      • Review the decisions we’ve made over the last 3 years
      • Produce an analysis
      • Report to leadership group
    • Each time there is a significant release we will review the process
    • 3+ members
  • Governance working group
    • SG plus leaders
    • Decide what to do after the initial 3 years
  • Working groups should have defined tasks and shut down when the tasks are complete
  • WGs can spontaneously form to accomplish a task and then finish


  • Create charter for Technical Working Group and get feedback from Leaders (David Wilcox)