


  1. Meta analysis of sprint process
  2. Summarize final state
  3. Walk through in-process and unstarted tickets
  4. Teeing up for next sprint


Sprint Reflection

  1. Mike
    • Unsure if it was necessary to make new tickets or not
    • Relationship between tickets and PRs is strong
      • A use case ticket is finished when its children tickets are done
    • Suggestion that analysis be completed as soon as possible in sprints
  2. Greg
    • Analysis and impl-tickets should likely be in separate sprints
    • More extreme programming
      • Working with Scott P. was very efficient on clustering
    • Encourage devs to "meet" more during the sprint
  3. David
    • Include test cases with tickets
    • Tickets should be "implementable"
      • User story, with a "why"
    • Getting "good" user use cases is a challenge
  4. Ben
    • Spent time working on modeshape ingest deterioration which could have been he
      lped with IRC team
  5. Adam
    • pivotal does not support robust roles and workflows

Ticket Walk-through

  1. Tickets were discussed for status and re-sorting



  • No labels