Old Release

This documentation covers an old version of Fedora. Looking for another version? See all documentation.


The Fedora 4 logging output can be configured by setting System properties for either all logging output, or for individual packages.

fcrepo.logAll Fedora 4 logging
fcrepo.log.authAuthentication and authorization
fcrepo.log.connector.fileFilesystem federation
fcrepo.log.generator.dublincoreDC format
fcrepo.log.http.apiREST API interface
fcrepo.log.http.commonsREST API implementation
fcrepo.log.jmsJMS events
fcrepo.log.kernelCore API
fcrepo.log.storage.policyPolicy-driven storage


These properties can be set to any of these values (in increasing verbosity): "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO" (the default), "DEBUG" or "TRACE".  For example, to increase the access control logging to debug, but decrease all other logging to warn, add these System properties to your Java command line:

-Dfcrepo.log=WARN -Dfcrepo.log.auth=DEBUG


There are also a few properties for test logging, which only impact the logging when building Fedora 4 from source:

fcrepo.log.integration.httpREST API integration tests
fcrepo.log.integration.jmsJMS events integration tests
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