Old Release

This documentation covers an old version of Fedora. Looking for another version? See all documentation.

Design documents

Proposed node types / CND

XACML policy objects would be created with primaryType=nt:file similar to a fedora:datastream and would store the contents of the policy in a jcr:content node.


Current version:



<authz = 'http://fedora.info/definitions/v4/authorization#'>

[authz:xacmlAssignable] mixin
 - authz:policy (REFERENCE)

[authz:xacmlPolicy] > fedora:datastream mixin


In order to enable XACML authorization repository-wide the fedora:resource nodetype would be updated to include the authz:xacmlAssignable mixing:

[fedora:resource] > fedora:relations, mix:created, mix:lastModified, mix:lockable, mix:referenceable, dc:describable, authz:xacmlAssignable mixin
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