The Fedora 4 Backup capability allows a user, such as the repository manager, make a REST call to have the repository binaries and metadata exported to the local file system. Inversely, the Restore capability allows a user to make a REST call to have the repository restored from the contents of a previous Backup operation.Usage
If a POST body specifying a writeable directory (local to Fedora 4 server) is not included in the request, the backup will be written to the system temp directory.
Perform a backup of a running Fedora 4 repository
POST /rest/fcr:backup
> optional POST body
On success
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Path where the backup was written
Response body
- Absolute path of local backup directory
Note: Restoring a backup replaces the repository content with the contents of the backup, so any data in the repository will be lost.
Perform a restore of a running Fedora 4 repository
POST /rest/fcr:restore
> with POST body
A POST body containing the full path to a previous backup.
On success
- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
The following configurations have been successfully tested with the Backup and Restore functionality
- Non-clustered Fedora, using Infinispan cache backed by LevelDB (config)
Backup Format
Regardless of the repository configuration, the output of the backup process creates resources of the same format. Further details on backup contents and the underlying implementation can be found in ModeShape's documentation.
The backup directory will contain
- 'binaries' directory that contains the repository "content" binaries stored in a pair-tree like structure. The filename of the binary is the SHA-1 of the content with the extension '.bin'. The directory structure in which each binary is found is three levels deep based on the SHA-1.
For example, binary content in the repository with a SHA-1 of "5613537644c4d081c1dc3530fdb1a2fe843e570170d3d054", would look like
├── binaries └── 44 └── c4 └── d0 └── 44c4d081c1dc3530fdb1a2fe843e570170d3d054.bin
- One or more "documents_00000n.bin.gz" files which contains a concatenated listing of the metadata for each of the repository objects in JSON format
For example
{ "metadata" : { "id" : "87a0a8c317f1e7/jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes/nt:unstructured//undefined/1" , "contentType" : "application/json" } , "content" : { "key" : "87a0a8c317f1e7/jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes/nt:unstructured//undefined/1" , "parent" : "87a0a8c317f1e7/jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes/nt:unstructured" , "properties" : { "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" : { "primaryType" : { "$name" : "nt:propertyDefinition" } , "onParentVersion" : "COPY" , "multiple" : false , "protected" : false , "availableQueryOperators" : [ "jcr.operator.equal.to" , "jcr.operator.greater.than" , "jcr.operator.greater.than.or.equal.to" , "jcr.operator.less.than" , "jcr.operator.less.than.or.equal.to" , "jcr.operator.like" , "jcr.operator.not.equal.to" ] , "requiredType" : "UNDEFINED" , "mandatory" : false , "autoCreated" : false } } } }
Petrônio Ribeiro Veiga
Brian McBride
The links forNon-clustered Fedora, using Infinispan cache backed by the file system (config)Non-clustered Fedora, using Infinispan cache backed by LevelDB (config)Non-clustered Fedora, using ModeShape file system store (config)result in a 404 message.Andrew Woods
Thanks, Brian McBride. The links have been updated. Since Sept 8, 2013 (when those links were initially created):
We have reduced/simplified the number of configurations.
Brian McBride
Thank you, Andrew Woods.