Latest 3.x Release

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Creates a "batch" of Fedora objects based on the specified template file and the corresponding directory of object-specific files and then ingests them into the repository. Refer to Batch Processing for more details.


fedora-batch-buildingest [object-template-file]


  • object-template-file - the full path to the batch template file.
  • obj-specific-dir - the full path to the directory containing the object-specific files.
  • object-directory - the full path to the directory where the generated objects will be built.
  • log-filepath - the full path to the file where logs will be written.
  • log-format - the format of the log file. Valid values are text or xml.
  • host:port - the hostname and port of the target Fedora server.
  • user - the Fedora administrator username (e.g., fedoraAdmin).
  • password - the password for the Fedora administrator user.
  • protocol - the protocol to communicate with Fedora server, either http or https.
  • context - an optional parameter indicating the webapp context. This is only necessary if the Fedora server was installed under a context name other than 'fedora' (see Alternative Webapp Context Configuration).
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