Table of Contents


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to's the info:



  1. Review current fcrepo4 work
    1. RDF iteration in the core
    2. Simplified deployment
    3. Islandora interoperability
    4. Search
  2. Core capabilities for 4.0
  3. Austin hackfest planning

Previous Actions


Current fcrepo4 work

  1. RDF iteration in the core
  2. Namespaces testing went well (used namespace as first step)
  3. Individual tests work but not all at once as running out of permgen
  4. Action: speak with Ben about permgen and in the meantime continue with list of things to do
  5. It will be constructive to get Fedora3Connector perspective from Mike
  1. Simplified deployment
  2. Tomcat freezing on Windows when fedora.war dropped into directory
  3. Goal: make it very easy to deploy a working version
  4. Target containers: tomcat and jetty on OSX, Windows, and Linux
  5. Java 8 is out of scope for now
  6. Minor exceptions: some system properties like working directory,
  7. Make default directory /home/user or a temp space from the container
  8. Consider an in memory mode - Adam
Nigel's work (via Andrew)
  1. Islandora interop
  2. Refactor tuque to use fedora3 and fedora4
  3. Will need to add new triple store
Ye's work (via Andrew)
  1. Search
  2. Solr intergration - Ye from Max Plank DL

Core capabilities for 4.0

  1. What does fedora need to do?
  2. Try use fedora3 app with fedora4 to tease out necessary capabilities
  3. What should fedora be able to do when it is installed
  4. Running web app module (modularization needed and application configuration)
  5. AuthZ/AuthN
  6. Large files
  7. General install on single machine
  8. Horizontal scalability
  9. Triple store
  10. Search
  11. Versioning, Dissemination, Content models
  12. What makes fedora fedora?

Austin hackfest planning

  1. Installfest - one evening at the house
  2. Discussion item: modularization configuration setup
  3. Committer key-signing


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