Call Details



(If you have an agenda suggestion/addition, please leave a comment!)

  1. DuraCloud bridge release
    1. Remaining issues
  2. Update on COPPUL grant status
  3. DuraSpace / Lyrasis merger update and impact
  4. Development activity, PRs and reviews
  5. Priority development work (see backlog)
    1. Priority issues list


DuraCloud documentation

  1. User documentation (wiki)
  2. Deployment documentation (github)


  • DuraCloud bridge release – issue with list of content items not pulled back properly. 
  • Update on COPPUL grant status: a few PRs to review, continuing to move forward with the AWS API on the Open Stack side which is encouraging.
  • DuraSpace / Lyrasis merger: Heather and Bill met with some LYR staff. Services will not see much change in the short term, some staff could be brought in to bring them up to speed on DuraCloud.
    • DSpace question: DSpaceDirect is on 5.8. Waiting to see what happens with 7 is likely the continued approach. A lot of updates are needed to bring the service up to speed, and to change to work with DSpace 7. Potentially moving from Puppet to Ansible. Will likely need to rebuild the whole stack.
    • TDL moved from Bash, and it has been excellent. 
  • Development activity, PRs and reviews
    • Nick will continue work on 412. Could transition to a radio button if the content list check buttons can remain. 
  • Priority development work (see backlog)


  • Determine tickets that are small enough to accomplish is a short period of time: 1192
  • Bill Branan will check with Andrea about  in-progress tickets
  • No labels