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The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Title (Goal)Admin UI - Format reporting
Primary ActorAdmin
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)As an admin, I want a report of all formats in repository, in community/sub-community, in collection, or in item.


  1. Yep, forgive me if there's already a means of doing this, but, say if our curation team has taken a decision that we need to convert files of a particular format which has become obsolete (for example .rtf or .xls) then it would be very helpful to have a function that makes it easy for us to find all of those, and go look at them one-by-one. We wouldn't want to just automatically convert them to a new format either - if we did so, we'd need to be able to check each of them afterwards, to make sure the conversion had been appropriate.

  2. Linking this up with a related Use Case: Admin UI - Basic Preservation - Format identification

    This particular use case seems mostly like a report of formats which have been previously identified (as detailed in that use case).  So, this use case is also obviously dependent on format identification.