Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

When uploading multiple files during a submission, it is possible to define which is the primary bitstream.

In the list of the uploaded files, a toggle in the Primary bitstream column lets choose which of the bitstreams is the primary. The changes are automatically saved.

To choose another uploaded file as primary bitstream, is enough to activate the related toggle. The previous primary bitstream toggle turns off automatically and the changes are saved.

If a bitstream set as a primary gets deleted, a new primary bitstream needs to be defined manually.

The Primary bitstream toggle is also present in the Edit bitstream window. Clicking on Save, the bitstream appears as primary.

If another bitstream was set as primary before, and a new bitstream is set as primary in its edit window, the toggle on the previous file turns off automatically, and the new bitstream becomes primary. The system then saves the changes.

After depositing the changes, the item page will show the Primary badge next to the item's title.

If no bitstream can be defined as primary, the toggles can stay off and the item can be deposited. On the item page, no Primary badge will be shown.

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