Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund
The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.
Loading of Entities and Fields
To achieve full Rioxx v3 compliance, there is no need to enable DSpace entitites. However, if entities are enabled, richer metadata such as funding or project related information can be then exposed via the OAI interface. To expose this information, the following steps need to be performed:
First, load the Rioxx Entities model by running the following command:
[/dspace]/bin/dspace initialize-entities -f [/dspace]/config/entities/rioxx3-relationships.xml
(NOTE: the openaire4-relationships.xml model can be loaded instead, as the set of relationships needed to support entities are exactly the same as those needed by Rioxx)
To support Rioxx metadata, there is no need to load additional registries, as it uses metadata from Dublin Core and Qualified Dublin Core schemas.
OAI interface
For Rioxx v3, only Publication entities or non-entity item types will be loaded as the main Entity to be processed, and any related entities such as projects or funders (i.e. FundingAgency) will be loaded in the process via virtual metadata.
A Rioxx v3 compliant endpoint is available in a dedicated OAI context, namely rioxx, through the URL:
To be able to use it, check first that that the oai application is enabled by checking the oai.cfg setting:
oai.enabled = true
(NOTE: when enabling you may need to restart your tomcat service)
To make metadata available from related entities such as projects or funders, you need to enable the relevant virtual metadata file. The Rioxx context makes use of the virtual metadata from openaire4. To enable this, you have to copy the file:
into the default virtual-metadata file:
cp [/dspace/]config/spring/api/virtual-metadata.xml.openaire4 [/dspace/]config/spring/api/virtual-metadata.xml
(NOTE: if you do this you should restart your tomcat service container)
This additional virtual metadata will enable to represent something like this in this XML in the rioxx metadata format, where you have, for instance, author identifiers, or funding information:
<rioxxterms:creator> <rioxxterms:id></rioxxterms:id> <rioxxterms:name>Pathan, Nazima</rioxxterms:name> </rioxxterms:creator> ... <rioxxterms:grant funder_name="NIHR HTA Programme">16/152/01</rioxxterms:grant>
Then you may need to run the OAI import from the command line with the cleaning cache parameter to reload all data to OAI: [/dspace/]/bin/dspace oai import -c