Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

The Bulk Access Management will let administrators edit massively the access conditions of Metadata and Bitstreams on selected objects. 


  • When logged as Administrator, it is possible to change the access condition to Metadata and Bitstreams on items by following the path: "Management > Access Control > Bulk Access Management".
  • Community or Collection Administrators may also use this tool from the "Access Control" tab of the "Edit Community", "Edit Collection" or "Edit Item" page.  In this scope, the tool will only perform changes within the selected Community/Collection/Item.


In the first box (Step 1) should be selected the objects on which access conditions will be changed.

In the second box (Step 2) the administrator will choose if change the access conditions on Metadata, or on Bitstreams or both. 

The actions that can be performed are: 

  • Replacing the existent access conditions 
  • Add new conditions to the existing ones 


If there is no previous access condition defined, a warning box will appear. 


The access conditions that can be chosen by default are: 

  • Openaccess 
  • Administrator 
  • Embargo
  • Lease 

When done, click Execute. The process will start. If it succeeded, the process page and a success message will show.


At the moment, DSpace supports a single feature configuration defined by the defaultBulkAccessConditionConfiguration, in which are specified the access conditions available for the Item’s and the Bitstream’s Metadata. 

The access conditions listed in the dropdown menu are set by default as Openaccess, Administrator, Embargo, and Lease. 

They can be edited by changing and adding options in the code:

 <bean id="defaultBulkAccessConditionConfiguration"
        <property name="name" value="default"/>
        <property name="itemAccessConditionOptions">
                <ref bean="openAccess"/>
                <ref bean="administrator"/>
                <ref bean="embargoed" />
                <ref bean="lease"/>
        <property name="bitstreamAccessConditionOptions">
                <ref bean="openAccess"/>
                <ref bean="administrator"/>
                <ref bean="embargoed" />
                <ref bean="lease"/>

    <bean id="bulkAccessConditionConfigurationService"
        <property name="bulkAccessConditionConfigurations">
                <ref bean="defaultBulkAccessConditionConfiguration"/>

Please refer to this page for further information: 

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