Old Release
This documentation relates to an old version of DSpace, version 5.x. Looking for another version? See all documentation.
Support for DSpace 5 ended on January 1, 2023. See Support for DSpace 5 and 6 is ending in 2023
Changes in DSpace 1.2.2
General Improvements in 1.2.2
- Customisable submission forms added
- Configurable number of index terms in Lucene for full-text indexing
- Improved scalability in media filter
- Submit button on collection pages only appears if user has authorisation
- PostgreSQL 8.0 compatibility
- Search scope retention to improve browsing
- Community and collection strengths displayed
- Upgraded OAICat software
Bug fixes in 1.2.2
- Fix for Oracle too many cursors problem.
- Fix for UTF-8 encoded searches in advanced search.
- Fix for handling "\" in bitstream names.
- Fix to prevent delete of "unknown" bitstream format
- Fix for ItemImport creating new handles for replaced items
Changes in JSPs in 1.2.2
- collection-home.jspchanged
- community-home.jspchanged
- community-list.jspchanged
- home.jspchanged
- dspace-admin/list-formats.jspchanged
- dspace-admin/wizard-questions.jspchanged
- search/results.jspchanged
- submit/cancel.jspchanged
- submit/change-file-description.jspchanged
- submit/choose-file.jspchanged
- submit/complete.jspchanged
- submit/creative-commons.jspchanged
- submit/edit-metadata.jspnew
- submit/get-file-format.jspchanged
- submit/initial-questions.jspchanged
- submit/progressbar.jspchanged
- submit/review.jspchanged
- submit/select-collection.jspchanged
- submit/show-license.jspchanged
- submit/show-uploaded-file.jspchanged
- submit/upload-error.jspchanged
- submit/upload-file-list.jspchanged
Changes in DSpace 1.2.1
General Improvements in 1.2.1
- Oracle support added
- Thumbnails in item view can now be switched off/on
- Browse and search thumbnail options
- Improved item importer
- can now import to multiple collections
- added --test flag to simulate an import, without actually making any changes
- added --resume flag to try to resume the import in case the import is aborted
- Configurable fields for the search index
- Script for transferring items between DSpace instances
- Sun library JARs (JavaMail, Java Activation Framework and Servlet) now included in DSpace source code bundle
Bug fixes in 1.2.1
- A logo to existing collection can now be added. Fixes SF bug #1065933
- The community logo can now be edited. Fixes SF bug #1035692
- MediaFilterManager doesn't 'touch' every item every time. Fixes SF bug #1015296
- Supported formats help page, set the format support level to "known" as default
- Fixed various database connection pool leaks
Changed JSPs in 1.2.1
- collection-homechanged
- community-homechanged
- display-itemchanged
- dspace-admin/confirm-delete-collectionmoved to tools/ and changed
- dspace-admin/confirm-delete-communitymoved to tools/ and changed
- dspace-admin/edit-collectionmoved to tools/ and changed
- dspace-admin/edit-communitymoved to tools/ and changed
- dspace-admin/indexchanged
- dspace-admin/upload-logochanged
- dspace-admin/wizard-basicinfochanged
- dspace-admin/wizard-default-itemchanged
- dspace-admin/wizard-permissionschanged
- dspace-admin/wizard-questionschanged
- help/formats.htmlremoved
- help/formatschanged
- indexchanged
- layout/navbar-adminchanged
Changes in DSpace 1.2.0
General Improvements in 1.2.0
- Communities can now contain sub-communities
- Items may be included in more than one collection
- Full text extraction and searching for MS Word, PDF, HTML, text documents
- Thumbnails displayed in item view for items that contain images
- Configurable MediaFilter tool creates both extracted text and thumbnails
- Bitstream IDs are now persistent - generated from item's handle and a sequence number
- Creative Commons licenses can optionally be added to items during web submission process
- If you are logged in as administrator, you see admin buttons on item, collection, and community pages
- New collection administration wizard
- Can now administer collection's submitters from collection admin tool
- Delegated administration - new 'collection editor' role - edits item metadata, manages submitters list, edits collection metadata, links to items from other collections, and can withdraw items
- Admin UI moved from /admin to /dspace-admin to avoid conflict with Tomcat /admin JSPs
- New EPerson selector popup makes Group editing much easier
- 'News' section is now editable using admin UI (no more mucking with JSPs)
- New tool that exports DSpace content in AIPs that use METS XML for metadata (incomplete)
- OAI - sets are now collections, identified by Handles ('safe' with /, : converted to _)
- OAI - contributor.author now mapped to oai_dc:creator
- Build process streamlined with use of WAR files, symbolic links no longer used, friendlier to later versions of Tomcat
- MIT-specific aspects of UI removed to avoid confusion
- Item metadata now rendered to avoid interpreting as HTML (displays as entered)
- Forms now have no-cache directive to avoid trouble with browser 'back' button
- Bundles now have 'names' for more structure in item's content
JSP file changes between 1.1 and 1.2
This list generated with cvs -Q rdiff -s -r dspace-1_1 dspace and a sprinkling of perl.
- Changed: dspace/jsp/collection-home.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/community-home.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/community-list.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/display-item.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/index.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/home.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/styles.css.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-advanced.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-collection-edit.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-community-edit.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-item-edit.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-main.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-policy-edit.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/collection-select.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/community-select.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-collection.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-community.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-dctype.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-eperson.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-format.jsp
- Moved to dspace/jsp/tools: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-item.jsp
- Moved to dspace/jsp/tools: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-withdraw-item.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/edit-collection.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/edit-community.jsp
- Moved to dspace/jsp/tools and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/edit-item-form.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/eperson-browse.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/eperson-confirm-delete.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/eperson-edit.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/eperson-main.jsp
- Moved to dspace/jsp/tools and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/get-item-id.jsp
- Moved to dspace/jsp/tools and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/group-edit.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/group-eperson-select.jsp
- Moved to dspace/jsp/tools and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/group-list.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/index.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/item-select.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/list-communities.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/list-dc-types.jsp
- Removed: dspace/jsp/admin/list-epeople.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/list-formats.jsp
- Moved to dspace/jsp/tools: dspace/jsp/admin/upload-bitstream.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/upload-logo.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/workflow-abort-confirm.jsp
- Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/workflow-list.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/browse/authors.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/browse/items-by-author.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/browse/items-by-date.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/browse/no-results.jsp
- New: dspace-admin/eperson-deletion-error.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/news-edit.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/news-main.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/wizard-basicinfo.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/wizard-default-item.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/wizard-permissions.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/wizard-questions.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/components/contact-info.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/error/internal.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/help/formats.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/layout/footer-default.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/layout/header-default.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/layout/navbar-admin.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/layout/navbar-default.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/login/password.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/main.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/perform-task.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/preview-task.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/reject-reason.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/remove-item.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/register/edit-profile.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/register/inactive-account.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/register/new-password.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/register/registration-form.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/search/advanced.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/search/results.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/cancel.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/submit/cc-license.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/choose-file.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/submit/creative-commons.css
- New: dspace/jsp/submit/creative-commons.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/edit-metadata-1.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/edit-metadata-2.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/get-file-format.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/initial-questions.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/progressbar.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/review.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/select-collection.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/show-license.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/show-uploaded-file.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/upload-error.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/upload-file-list.jsp
- Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/verify-prune.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/tools/edit-item-form.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/tools/eperson-list.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/tools/itemmap-browse.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/tools/itemmap-info.jsp
- New: dspace/jsp/tools/itemmap-main.jsp
Content Tools