Old Release

This documentation relates to an old version of DSpace, version 4.x. Looking for another version? See all documentation.

This DSpace release is end-of-life and is no longer supported.

You can quickly get some basic information about the DSpace version and the products supporting it by using the [dspace]/bin/dspace version command.

$ bin/dspace version
DSpace version:  4.0-SNAPSHOT
  SCM revision:  da53991b6b7e9f86c2a7f5292e3c2e9606f9f44c
    SCM branch:  UNKNOWN
            OS:  Linux(amd64) version 3.7.10-gentoo
Discovery enabled.
Lucene search enabled.
           JRE:  Oracle Corporation version 1.7.0_21
   Ant version:  Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.4 compiled on June 25 2012
 Maven version:  3.0.4
   DSpace home:  /home/dspace

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