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<b>This is a work in progress</b>

Installing DSpace on Gentoo

[Gentoo Linux has a package updater that allows for both compilation and configuration of source packages as well as binary installs. You can rely on this updater (called emerge) to provide all the required packages on Gentoo with a little configuration.

Documentation on Gentoo is available on the site via manual and wiki.

Emerge provides two major channels for installation of packages similar to that of Debian Linux, there is a stable x86 channel and an "unstable" ~x86 channel. Some packages reside currently in this channel and you will need to configure your emerge client to properly address this issue with keywords, to do this you may want to append the following lines at the end of you /etc/portage/package.keywords

 dev-java/sun-jaf ~x86
 dev-java/sun-javamail ~x86
 dev-db/libpq ~x86
 dev-db/postgresql ~x86

Installing Dependencies

Installing Java 1.5

Java 1.5 has been recently brought into stable release on gentoo and is relatively simple to install. Its best to review the latest documentation on how java is configured on Gentoo, you'll want to make sure your using the "Generation 2" java-config before going forward. Details on how to upgrade if you haven't are available here. Theres also a wiki which is available to troubleshoot frequently encounter problems: wiki

Of course theres lots of HowTo documentation on how to use the java-config facilities in Gentoo here. This will assiat you in understanding Java on Gentoo.

Installing Ant

Ant is basically a "No Brainer".

 # emerge dev-java/ant

Installing Tomcat-5.5

Installing PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL installation is simple, you want the latest 8.2 build, its in the ~x86 channel

 # emerge postgresql

Configuring Tomcat 5.5 for virtual hosts

Optional: Adding in manakin "dspace-config" in default context

Configuring Manakin in Tomcat 5.5 requires inserting the location of dspace.cfg as a Context Parameter, Manakin approaches this externally from the default dspace ui and other webapplications, the benefit of is that the location can be moved independently of the actually UI deployment. This can reside in <tomcat.conf>/context.xml or <tomcat.conf>/service/host/context.xml.default or in the <webapp>/META-INF/context.xml. But its important to add that their priority in loading is as well in that order, you will have to remove <tomcat.conf/context.xml to get any virtual hosting functioning.

description="Path to the DSpace configuration file." />
