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Here is a recent translation of the Fedora Rels Ext ontology in n3 for discussion purposes


These are the namespace/prefix mappiings utilized int he examples below

 @prefix r: <>.
 @prefix s: <>.
 @prefix rels: <info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#>.

Abstract Fedora Relationship

The primitive property for all object-to-object relationships in the fedora ontology

    a    r:Property.


  • This can be classified as similar to a UML Association (representing some sort of relationship between two objects) --Mark Diggory 16:59, 1 October 2008 (EDT)

Abstract Parts

Is Part Of

A definition of the generic part/whole relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object representing a part and the predicate is a fedora object representing a whole.

    a    r:Property;

Has Part

A definition of the generic part/whole relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object representing a whole and the predicate is a fedora object representing a part.

    a    r:Property;



Is Constituent Of

This is a refinement of the generic part/whole relationship in the "made of" sense with referential integrity implications. The subject is a fedora object representing a constituent part and the predicate is a fedora object representing a whole of which the subject is a constituent. The constituent part cannot stand alone in any meaningful way without reference to the whole.

    a    r:Property;

Has Constituent

This is a refinement of the generic part/whole relationship in the "made of" sense with referential integrity implications. The subject is a fedora object representing a whole that is made of constituent parts and the predicate is a fedora object representing one of the constituent parts. The whole loses its integrity if the constituent part is removed.

    a    r:Property;


  • This is a further refinement a Composition Association, forcing referential integrity to be maintained, I'm not 100% convinced its neccessary but may have a usefulness if the system is allowing Compositions that do not require addressablitiy. --Mark Diggory 17:24, 1 October 2008 (EDT)


Is Member Of

This is a refinement of the generic part/whole relationship that defines a set membership relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object representing a member of a set and the predicate is a fedora object representing a whole set of which the subject is a member. The member can be separated from the set and still stand alone as an object in its own right.

    a    r:Property;

Has Member

This is a refinement of the generic part/whole relationship that defines a set membership relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object representing a whole set and the predicate is a fedora object representing a member in the set. The set does not lose its integrity if a member is removed from the set.

    a    r:Property;


  • I'm not convinced this is very different at all from a "hasPart" because "Constitutent" could just be considered a restriction on Membership. --Mark Diggory 17:26, 1 October 2008 (EDT)


Is Subset Of

This is a refinement of the generic set membership relationship to indicate the notion of a subset. The subject is a fedora object that represents a subset and the predicate is a fedora object that represents the set of which the subject is a subset.

    a    r:Property;

Has Subset

This is a refinement of the generic set membership to indicate the notion of a subset. The subject is a fedora object that represents a set of objects and the predicate is a fedora object that represents a subset of the subject set.

    a    r:Property;


  • I wonder about this one as well, because RDF is an open model, unless stated otherwise, almost any relation may be expressed by another agent/authority to the point that there may be additional assertions of inclusion into any such Collection. --Mark Diggory 17:29, 1 October 2008 (EDT)


Is Member of Collection

This is a refinement of the generic membership relationship to indicate the notion of a digital collection. The subject is a fedora object representing an item in a digital collection and the predicate is a fedora object representing a whole digital collection.

    a    r:Property;

Has Collection Member

This is a refinement of the generic membership to indicate the notion of a digital collection. The subject is a fedora object representing a whole digital collection and the predicate is a fedora object representing an item that is a member of the digital collection.

    a    r:Property;


Is Derivation Of

A definition of a generic derivation relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that represents a derivation of the predicate which is another fedora object.

    a    r:Property;

Has Derivation

A definition of a generic derivation relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object and the predicate is a fedora object that represents a derivation of the subject.

    a    r:Property;


Is Dependent Of

A definition of a generic dependency relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that represents a dependent and the predicate is another fedora object that is depended upon by the subject.

    a    r:Property;

Has Dependent

A definition of a generic dependency relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that is depended upon and the predicate is a fedora object that represents a dependent of the subject.

    a    r:Property;


Is Description Of

A generic descriptive relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that represents a descriptive entity and the predicate is a fedora object that is being described in some manner by the subject.

    a    r:Property;

Has Description

A generic descriptive relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that is being described in some manner and the predicate is a fedora object that represents a descriptive entity that is about the subject.

    a    r:Property;


Is MetadataFor

A refinement of the generic descriptive relationship indicating a metadata relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that represents metadata and the predicate is a fedora object for which the subject serves as metadata.

    a    r:Property;

Has Metadata

A refinement of the generic descriptive relationship indicating a metadata relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object and the predicate is a fedora object that represents metadata about the subject.

    a    r:Property;


Is Annotation Of

A refinement of the generic descriptive relationship indicating a commentary relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that represents an annotation or comment and the predicate is a fedora object that is being commented upon by the subject.

    a    r:Property;

Has Annotation

A refinement of the generic descriptive relationship indicating a commentary relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that is being commented on and the predicate is a fedora object that represents an annotation or comment about the subject.

    a    r:Property;


Has Equivalent

A definition of a generic equivalence relationship between fedora objects. The subject is a fedora object that is equivalent to the predicate which is another fedora objects.

    a    r:Property;