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Category: AddOnMechanism

The Checksum Checker add on requires database schema changes, and additions to the code base but has no edits to existing DSpace code or web.xml.

It contains two sql scripts, one to alter an existing DSpace db installation to include the checker tables, and another to perform some bootstrapping initialization ready for use.

Although we avoided it, we have some code depdendencies on DSpace. The installation mechanism (currently implemented in maven) compiles the checker against a specified DSpace source tree, then copies the checker sources into the source tree. Using this mechanism it isn't possible to introduce compile time errors into your DSpace source tree.

We require a new email template, which is copied over to the DSpace source tree, and the file. The checker is concatenated onto the existing DSpace file. There is currently no mechanism to prevent subsequent installations adding duplicate fragments to the end of the file.

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