Goals for the Questions (A reminder)

  1. Do researchers/institutions recognize they have the problem we are trying to solve?
  2. If there was a solution, would they use it?
  3. Would they use a solution from us (at least in part)?
  4. Can we build a solution for that problem?


  1. Briefly, what is your field of research?
  2. Is your research primarily performed? (one)
    1. By yourself
    2. In a small groups possibly including research assistants
    3. Within a small group or center
    4. As part of a large research group
    5. As part of a collaboration with persons or teams that a remotely located
  3. Where is your data kept? (all)
    1. Personal computer?
    2. Research group data center?
    3. Institutional data center?
  4. Do you collect data in the field (no network connection)? (Y/N)
  5. Are you ever concerned that you will lose data important to your research? (Y/N)
  6. Have you ever lost data? (Y/N)
  7. Do you back up your data? (one)
    1. Personally
      1. As Needed
      2. Scheduled
    2. Done for you by your research group
    3. Done for you by your institution
  8. Do you have students performing research under your direction? (all)
    1. Where do they keep data for your research? (Description)
    2. How do you get a copy? (Count)
    3. How often are copies transferred? (Rate)
  9. Do you share data with colleagues or research partners? (Y/N)
    1. If so using ahared file storage (Y/N)
      1. For how long (one)
        1. Just long enough so everyone can get a copy
        2. We leave the copies, but its not all of the data
        3. We have a shared area, and the copies stay there through the end of the project
      2. Do you keep your own copies?
      3. Where do you consider the master copies kept?
  10. Do you share data using other methods? (all)
    1. As needed only
    2. Via services like Google Groups
    3. Sent as an email attachment
  11. Are you concerned that someone can view your data without permission? (Y/N)
  12. If so are you most concerned about this more before publication? (Y/N)
  13. If so do you think control by you is? (one)
    1. Essential
    2. Important
    3. Some control needed
    4. Not needed
  14. Do you think anyone would want to see your data? (all)
    1. Post-publication
    2. Some colleagues
    3. Very few people would get much use from it
  15. Do you ever want to access other researcher's published data, or reference data? (one)
    1. Regularly
    2. Some times
    3. Never, the publications are good enough
  16. If you use other researcher's or reference data:
    1. I would more often but its often hard to? (all)
    2. Find the items I want
    3. Access the data easily
    4. Understand the items one I have found them
    5. Don't have the algorithms, software and a description of the measurements/methodologies used to produce them
  17. Do you have trouble finding your own data? (Y/N)
  18. If so? (all)
    1. It takes a lot of time to keep organized
    2. Finding items within a file is often tough
    3. A lot if times its on a research assistants or collaborators computer when I want it
  19. Have you ever had a student or collaborator leave a project with the only copy of a some data? (Y/N)
  20. Do you receive system administration support to help you with your data? (one)
    1. None is available
    2. Its available but I don't use it
    3. I use support at a workgroup level
    4. I use institutional support
    5. It is required for researchers in my institution or project
  21. My research funders: (one)
    1. Do not require data management plans?
    2. Require data management plans but do not audit?
    3. Require data management plans and audit compliance?
  22. What do you do with the data once the project is over? (one)
    1. I keep my data forever
    2. I keep until I am sure it is not useful for my future work
    3. I make backups
      1. And store them personally
      2. Let my data center store them
    4. I don't worry about them since the research is done
    5. I try to get it archived
  23. Do you consider some of your data more important than other part and should be treated with more care? (Y/N)
  24. Do you consider the long term storage solved? (Y/N)
  25. Do I use my data for online publication of my work? (Y/N)
  26. Would you like it if your data storage also made it easier to find things (Y/N) (all)
    1. If it could just find things using generic methods?
    2. If it could find things specifically of interest to my research?
    3. If, with little effort, it could find things using techniques of my choosing but implemented by other people?
    4. If, with little effort, I could plug in my own approach to finding things?
  27. Is there data that I need to get from other research projects that is important to my research project? (Y/N)
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