DfR Assumptions




Tools like Box and DropBox are widely used by researchers for data backup, and this is a growing trend

Danny, Chris


Researchers want a way to easily back up their research data



Researchers will be willing to have their research data backed up offsite



Researchers will be willing to have their research data backed up by a third-party organization (not their institution of employment)



Researchers will be willing to install software on each machine/instrument which needs to have content backed up

Bill, Dan


Researchers will be willing to invest the time to try a new storage strategy


Bill, Danny, Dan

Researchers want a way to interact with their data on the web

Danny, Chris, Dan


Researchers can be pursuaded to spend time making their dataset more understandable and usable


Bill, Danny, Chris, Dan

Researchers will be willing to trust that a cloud-based storage system will maintain the integrity of their data

Bill, Chris


Researchers will be willing to trust that a cloud-based storage system will maintain the security of their data

Bill, Chris


Researchers will appreciate a data storage system which provides access to their institution's data curation staff



Researchers know where all of their research data is stored


Chris, Dan

Researchers will find a storage system which provides additional data management services more compelling than existing simple backup systems

Bill, Danny, Chris


Researchers want to be able to backup their data early in the research project lifecycle


Chris, Dan

Researchers are interested in offsite backup for the purposes of data recovery and storage



Researchers are interested in offsite backup for the purposes of collaboration



Researchers want to use web search capabilities to be able to discover data within the entire data set of their research project



Researchers want to be able to provision a data management system with little upfront effort



Researchers want to be able to discover datasets outside of their own research projects



Researchers want to be able to easily retrieve datasets that they have discovered



Research Institutions want a single system with provides data backup services for all of their researchers


Danny, Chris, Dan

Research Institutions want to take a role in the management of the data sets produced by their researchers



Research Institutions are willing to continue to pay for some amount of data from completed research project which have been curated



New customers will hear about DfR through conference presentations and will visit a DfR website to learn more and sign up

Bill, Danny

Bill, Danny

New customers will hear about DfR through DuraSpace press releases and marketing campaigns and will visit a DfR website to learn more and sign up

Bill, Danny


Some DuraCloud customers, when invited individually, will be interested in signing up for DfR



* Votes in this column indicate that the person voting considers this assumption very important to the current DfR strategy. If this assumption were not true, the strategy of DfR would need to change.
** Votes in this column indicate that the person voting considers this assumption likely to not be true.

Assumption Tests

Test 1: Survey

  • Tests assumptions #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 16
  • Asks:
    • Do you currently use any of the following tools (Box, Dropbox, etc) for data backup?
    • If you do use these tools, what do you like or not like about them?
  • Administered via SurveyMonkey
  • Need to get survey out to as many researchers as possible
    • Could we get assistance from other orgs: Sparc, Johns Hopkins?
    • Perhaps we could get universities that were part of the original DfR discussion to send survey out to their research staff

Test 2: Interview

  • Tests assumptions #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 14
  • Sit with a researcher, and have them show us how they use their existing tools
  • Discuss where in the research project they implemented their backup strategy
  • Show the researcher DfR that is running remotely, both UpSync and SiDora
    • Let them use the UIs, discuss what they find most important
  • Setting up the demonstration:
    • We hand create the objects, have them already in SiDora
  • Requires that:
    1. We have a small set of researchers that are willing to give DfR a try
    2. We use researchers local to us, or we travel to them

Test 3: Website

  • Tests assumptions #24, 25
  • Create a DfR website, create a video demo that shows how DfR would work, provide a button to "try it now"
  • Button provides them with an opportunity to sign up for a wait list, and to indicate that they would be willing to be a beta tester
  • Allows us to gauge interest
  • Questions: Would a researcher pick up DfR and try it out on their own? What hurdles are there to this?


Requirements for running the tests above

Test 1



Create a survey

Jonathan first draft, Bill to review

Establish a list of survey recipients


Send out survey

Enlist assistance from Carissa/Carol

Collect and tabulate results


Test 2



Get UpSync tool to a demonstrable state


Get a stable SiDora in place

DGI, Dan to bring into DfR

Hand create some objects and store them in SiDora

Dan, Chris to assist

Create an interview outline

Bill first draft, Jonathan to review

Establish a list of researchers to interview

Jonathan (once we know that steps 1-4 will be completed very soon)

Schedule meeting times between interviewers and researchers

Jonathan to initiate contact, interviewer to follow up

Conduct interviews, with interviewers taking notes (and possibly recording the audio of the discussions)

  • Jonathan: Columbia
  • Dan: Cornell
  • Danny: possibly Stanford, possibly Moss Landing Marine Lab

Collect results, determine what has been learned


Test 3

(May postpone implementation until after Tests 1 and 2 are complete)



Create a website listing the expected features of DfR


Create a video demonstrating how we expect DfR would work (as if it were already functioning)


Post website and video


Collect metrics on how many people click the "sign up" button


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