Regular Attendees

  • Andrew
  • Bill
  • Chris (star)
  • Dan
  • Jonathan
  • Danny


  • Call In To: Free Conference Call HD - DuraCloud Line

    Please note that we will be using the Free Conference Call HD line for this call. Information about calling into this line is available from the link above.

  • (star) - Indicates who will be taking minutes

Discussion Topic

Planning Board
Task Board
DfR Planning and Estimating - 0.1
DfR 0.2 Task List


Discussion Leader

Put a name on each task and set selected tasks in progress


Outstanding items from replanning




Synch Tool Requirements


Actions from last meeting

Last meeting

Last Weeks Actions:

Action Item



Identify story coverage for tasks in new methodology



Related Information
DfR Software Next Steps - Jan 2012
2012-01-03 - Architecture Meeting, Temple University


  • Jonathan
  • Andrew
  • Bill
  • Chris
  • Dan
    • Digging into Spring
    • Adding tasks for stories, stories for tasks
    • Digging into SI content model
  • Danny


Dan: Review of last week. Considered dropping a task and extending the iteration. Got a good list of items now.
Jonathan: Date for end of iteration?
Dan: Want to set with the group for today.
Dan: Moving points from stories to tasks, uniformly.
Bill: Discussion of total story points and velocity. Requires 9 weeks of works with 1.6 FTEs.
Last week through July 16th.
Dan: Jonathan wants names on more of the tasks.
Jonathan: Just put creator's name on it and we can flip it when somebody takes it.
Bill: Do we have Peter in the system yet?
Jonathan: Peter not officially working on 0.2 yet. Should be resolved this week.

Andrew: AMI Discussion, re:DFR-100.
DGI has made some progress in building an instance of Islandora customized for us.
Next would be nice to have AMI shared with DfR AMI.
Then we could make a copy and we'd own an AMI and could spin up instances whenever we want to.
Q: Will DGI give us an AMI?
Jonathan: Seems like it. We'll work out details Tuesday on partners call.

Dan: Started progress on DFR-101. Digging into Spring. For implementation and to help facilitate the search for execution environment. Jonathan had mentioned that Michelle felt that micro service failed to tell that we could execute every service. Want to aim for whatever's easy and things we need. Service vs. Microservice capture that better in our description.

Chris: Working on DFR-94. Maps to Cloudsync-25. (Discussion of scheduling capabilities)

Andrew: My other two items. DfR-LDAP and DuraSpace IdP are happening in DuraCloud soon. Not started yet, but will soon based on DuraCloud priorities.

Action Items

Action Item



Update your availability for the next 8 weeks in JIRA



Get Peter in the system when things are finalized this week



Add task covering in-CloudSync scheduling of tasks (2-day, unscheduled) and update existing task to note that initial 0.2 scheduling with be via cron



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