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The local Saxon XSLT service can be made even more useful by adding the possibility of passing parameters (global parameters in the stylesheet declared as <xsl:param>). Saxon itself offers this feature, only it is not used in the service that was built around it. There are many use cases for this feature, such as paging of long lists of links to objects that have a forward or backward rdf relationship with the "current" object or the setting of a range to display in a table or graph (these are just examples from my own practice). It would enable the production of rich user interfaces with just xslt and nothing else.

Just for clarity: this problem has been solved. See the comments to this post for details.

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))
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  1. This is a great idea!  Egbert can you add this as a feature request at

    1. I tried, but I am not allowed to log in in the JIRA system. In my settings I see that I am authorized to log in to Atlassian Confluence and Crowd Console, no mention of JIRA, although in Groups I see that I am also member of jira-users. Now I am confused. Maybe some child diseases, as I understand that the JIRA system is new? Anyway, happy new year to all reading this, I will freshly continue in 2009.

      1. Hi Egbert and Stuart...happy new year.  Just wanted to let you know we're looking into this.

      2. Ok, this should be resolved now...thanks for letting us know.

        1. It works! Thanks a lot. This has now been entered as a feature request in jira

  2. I found out that the Saxon service DOES in fact accept parameters. The difficult part is to get these parameters through the CMA machinery. Here is Chris Wilpers' explanation how to do this.