Old Release

This documentation relates to an old version of VIVO, version 1.13.x.
Looking for another version? See all documentation.


  1. Concepts in VIVO are modeled using the SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) ontology.  SKOS is quite simple, and is a good place to start for those learning about ontologies, and how VIVO uses ontologies to represent information as triples in RDF.  See The SKOS Primer, a readable introduction to SKOS and how it is represented in RDF.
  2. A concept is typically represented in VIVO as two triples, one declaring the URI of the concept as a skos:Concept, and one providing a text label for the concept.  A third triple may use the skos:prefLabel to repeat the text label for those applications expecting the concept to have a preferred label.  The triples might look like those below:

    <http://vivo.myschool.edu> rdf:type skos:Concept .
    <http://vivo.myschool.edu> rdfs:label "Molecular Biology"^^@en .
    <http://vivo.myschool.edu> skos:prefLabel "Molecular Biology"^^@en .
  3. Concepts are used throughout VIVO to indicate research and subject areas for people and other entities.

Ontology Diagram Legend
Dark blue – the entity being modeled

Light blue – entities dependent on the entity being modeled. These will typically be created along with the entity being modeled, and should be removed if the entity being modeled is removed.

Green  – independent entities. These typically pre-exist in your VIVO when adding the entity being modeled. These should not be removed if the entity being modeled is removed.



  • No labels