Phaidra, University of Vienna

Phaidra - Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets - is used
as a long-term preservation system through the assignment of persistent identifiers (permanent links)
to manage and store any kind of digital object (digital born and analogue) that is developed in an academic environment: in the fields of a) research (e.g. articles, papers, videos, audios, containers), b) learning & teaching (e.g. learning objects) and c) administration (e.g. forms) at University of Vienna,
to make abovementioned assets per default freely accessible (according to the wishes of the owner of the object and the therefore assigned access rights). The objects are provided with licenses.
to provide tools to manage / view / edit the assets (e.g. e_book viewer).

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))
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