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DSpace users are continually adding new functionality to the DSpace platform to suit their organization's needs. Some organizations/developers are willing to share their work with the larger DSpace community. The list below identifies projects that provide additional functionality to DSpace. Some of these projects are completed, other projects may become available at some point in the future for others to use. If you are working one a DSpace project that could become an addon/extension used by others, please add your project here.





University of Wisconsin Madison and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The BibApp is a Campus Research Gateway and Expert Finder. BibApp matches researchers on your campus with their publication data and mines that data to see collaborations and to find experts in research areas. With BibApp, it's easy to see what publications can be placed on the Web for greater access and impact. BibApp can push those publications directly into an institutional or other repository.

Bitstream Suppression

Elliot Metsger

Prevents a bitstream from being discovered or downloaded by anonymous users. Depends on the Policy code (below). Depends on the Unit testing code (below). SVN Bitstream Suppression Branch.

CAS Single Sign-on Solution

Technical University of Denmark, Center for Knowledge Technology and

Enhanced DSpace with the following features:

  • Single sign-on support through CAS
  • Web service support to enable user import.

The patch (1167362) created Marts 21st 2005 consist of the following:

  • Media:files.tar.gz - includes the new files to the project.
  • Media:doc.tar.gz - contains some documentation about the two new features.
  • - the patch file.

Note that Axis requires a new version of Xerces so the existing lib/xerces.jar has to be deleted. See dspace-Patches-1167362. See CvtContribution ( for more information.


James Rutherford

It has often struck me that DSpace would benefit from the use of Data Access Objects (DAO). If nothing else, it would make porting to alternative database platforms far easier; all we would need to do is provide alternative implementations for the DAO interfaces that worked for a given database. To this end, I have broken up some of the core classes in org.dspace.content to use DAOs. As part of the same effort, I have done some work on making the Context less data-layer dependent (by having it hold a rather than a java.sql.Connection, etc). I've also introduced a proxy for the Item that is a bit smarter about when it retrieves content from the data layer, and an ArchiveManager class that takes care of some core "archive operations" (so that other core classes don't need to). The process to integration (if at all) would go as follows:

  • Incorporate the new DAO classes into the codebase
  • Refactor org.dspace.content.Item (etc) to use the DAO implementations of the data access methods internally
  • Mark relevant methods in org.dspace.content.Item as @Deprecated
  • Using the compile-time deprecation warnings as a guide, refactor the rest of the code to use the DAOs explicitly rather than hiding the functionality behind existing methods.

Without further ado, here is how I have refactored org.dspace.content.Item to use DAOs. A few important things to note:

  • "old" code has been used where possible to avoid re-implementing the wheel
  • I've never liked org.dspace.content.ItemIterator so I've switched to using a "real" Iterator from a List<Item>.

For examples of both of these principles, see the implementation of getItems() below. It is a fairly straightforward wrapper for the current Item.findAll(), except that it returns a List<Item> rather than an ItemIterator.

Delegated Admin

Delegation of permissions. DSpace currently only supports minimal distributed management at a Collection level, in the form of Collection Administrators. However, at this point in time, there is no such thing as a Community Administrator to allow for distributed management of individual Communities. The closest anyone has gotten to implement this feature is in the now out-of-date patch: Authorization System: Delegate Admins (SF#13736513) by Andrea Bollini. Tim Donohue is working on an updated version of the Delegated Admins patch that works for the DSpace 1.5.x XMLUI (it will not work for JSPUI), but I'm sure that could be added relatively easily.;aid=1373613&amp;group_id=19984&amp;atid=319984

ETD-ms Crosswalk

Built for OAI harvesting from other repositories by Library and Archives Canada (LAC), but could be used by any repository being harvested by ETD-ms location.


Elliot Metsger

Prevents items, collections, or communities from being viewed, downloaded, or otherwise discovered (e.g excluded from RSS feeds, OAI-PMH, search indexes). Only administrators can view and manage masked items.

Pledge Policy Prototype

Developing Scalable Data Management Infrastructure in a Data Grid-Enabled Digital Library System. Contact kenzie (at)


Elliot Metsger

An attempt to work around some of the more cumbersome aspects of DSpace permissions.

Sakai Integration

University of Cambridge

DSpace/Sakai integration work.

SMILE DOME Integration

Extending metadata schema support in DSpace through DF/Semantic Web technologies. SIMILE seeks to enhance inter-operability among digital assets, schemata/vocabularies/ontologies, metadata, and services. A key challenge is that the collections which must inter-operate are often distributed across individual, community, and institutional stores. We seek to be able to provide end-user services by drawing upon the assets, schemata/vocabularies/ontologies, and metadata held in such stores. (SMILE related) Richard Rodgers, DSpace Semantic Web RDF data from DSpace, drop down browse, base on RDF.


Originally from University of Rochester, modified by Mark Wood at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

Implemented for DSpace 1.1 and shows real-time total download counts at the Repository, Collection, Community and Bitstream Levels. Also shows real-time monthly download count at all of the above except the Bitstream level.

The version at IUPUI has been modified to collect viewing events through a generic plugin interface, which means that the collection side requires only building and some slight configuration changes in dspace.conf. We have an added XMLUI Aspect to add the aggregated data to the developing page, again integrated with stock DSpace solely through configuration. It needs work on the Theme to actually expose those data on the finished page, which requires a moderate amount of XSL-T work to integrate it with any local Theme customizations. JSPUI still requires patching or overlaying. We do not yet have an XMLUI version of the administrative controls. There is an SQL script to create a few new database tables, but no modifications to the existing tables. UR Research

Semantic Search for DSpace v2.0

Semantic Search allows intelligent search of DSpace content, using Semantic Web technologies. It has now been totally refactored as an add-on for DSpace 1.6+ and includes a series of new features.

More Info
Google code project

Symlink DSpace

Institute of Computer Science at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic

The main purpose of this project is to modify the original DSpace to work with big files (e.g. video files) in a more efficient way.

Toxicological Information System (TOXIS)

Belgium Poison Center

Christophe Dupriez -

Integration of 5 DSpace instances/ incorporating Pubmed publishing - This project involves a large set of modifications involving 5 instances of DSpace. The current implementation is based on DSpace 1.4.2 and has been modified for speed for use in emergency situations, importation from PubMed and other sources and enhanced links management. The five instances will be used for different internal repositories that will be cross-linked. Other planned inclusions are a JSPWiki and faceted searching. Other unique modifications include auto-complete and/or use of menus to select values, tracking of the number of uses of a particular concept for diplay in links and query of authority lists.

About the project:;print=1&amp;cf=11;

Unit Testing

Elliot Metsger

Includes dependencies, Maven 2 project structure, and test harness for unit testing. Most (if not all) feature branches have this branch already merged in.

Vireo - Electronic Thesis & Dissertations (ETDs)

Texas Digital Library

Vireo creates a customized submission and management workflow for electronic theses and dissertations on top of DSpace. It is built using the Manakin interface framework, and consists of a single Aspect with an integrated Theme to create the customized interfaces (student submission interface and staff administrative interface).

Web Service

Aaron Zecowski from MIT and Cambridge Centre for Applied Research into Educational Technology (CARET)

The implementation exposes a web service that can be consumed by a number of applications. The initial target use cases are based on interactions with a Learning Management System (LMS). It makes no language specific assumptions so that it can be used for multiple client targets. It consists of 6 services that support the process of collection and dissemination of material in the repository by web services. These are:

  • SRW Based Search (OCLC Implementation, Ralph LeVan)
  • Upload Service
  • Download Service
  • Package Service
  • Ingest Service
  • Session Setup Service

Web Services Prototype


For item ingest and access. Not production-ready. Tar contains code and install instructions: Dspace-ws.tar

CDMC Haute Alsace (Upper Alsace Center for Music and Culture)

Christophe Dupriez -

A W3C SKOS compatible authority files list and thesaurus addon. The result of this project will be implemented in the Belgium Poison Center project.

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