Attendees: Jason, Steven, Greg, Simeon


Stanford debrief

  • Further work
    • Explore linked data future  
    • Plan to do more work on QA
      • Steven - work on which vocabs we want to do direct lookup for, do pre-work to understand APIs etc., work to configure in Sinopia, might also work to pare down QA support for things we don't expect to support long-term
    • Continue EMM group work

Discovery (WP3)

  • BAM! WOW! (Browsing Across Music With Obtainable Wikidata)
    • 2023-02-02
      • Steven to post video and share broadly
      • Steven and Tracey working to take prototype to D&A, will discuss with Melissa first
    • 2023-03-02
      • Steven discussed with Melissa, interested in taking this forward to D&A. Next step still to take prototype to D&A
  • DAG Calls
    • 2023-02-02
      • Simeon to investigate whether someone from D&A might attend 

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

Other Topics

  • POD & SHARE-VDE... should this team interact with that re: use cases, data analysis or other?
    • 2023-02-02 - Draft MOU is being reviewed, suggestion of pilot to run through CY23
  • Entity Management in FOLIO
    • 2023-01-12 - environmental scan work is wrapped for the moment until we need more investigation. Use case dev has been a bit slow to take off - group is increasing in size and we are actively working to align with efforts underway between LC and EBSCO
    • 2023-03-02 - Interest from EBSCO In QA in use case development sub-group
  • CUL Authorities in FOLIO
    • 2023-02-02 Starting some work on URIs in MARC, writing up new practices so more can follow in MARCEdit workflows. Will do some assessment
  • BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG) - Steven Cornell rep and Jason alternate
    • 2022-10-27: They are joining for summit. Little to report at present otherwise.
    • 2023-01-12: Met this week to go over Sinopia use of SHACL as a validating strategy. During the meeting there was a nice iteration on existing shapes based on clearer understanding of data needs. National Library of Sweden demoed their implementation of

Upcoming meetings/presentations

  • PCC LDAC (Fridays at end of March possibly)
  • SWIB (proposal deadline: 4/10) - Berlin, September
  • DCMI (Paper deadline: 5/5) - Daegu, Korea, November 6-10
  • WOLFcon - Chicago, August

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

2023-03-09 - Moved to 11am. All possibly available, Greg remote