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Meeting Goals

  • meeting to plan development tasks
  • create a high level roadmap for development effort
  • identify existing resources (staff and funds) and begin process of assigning tasks to humans
  • identify team members and roles for development effort
  • begin ticketing above in DuraSpace JIRA
  • ticket functionality that will not be built by end of current grant (September 2011)


  • Julie Meloni - UVa
  • Tom Cramer - Stanford
  • Bess Saldler - Stanford
  • Naomi Dushey - Stanford
  • Michael Olson - Stanford

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Scope - minimum set

Please note this has yet to be vetted with the functional requirements creators

  • Bulk load 13 collections into Fedora instances at UVa and Stanford
  • Download any file
  • SALT like display in archival context: collection, series, folder, file
  • Permissions aware discovery and downloading
  • Permissions aware editing / annotation
  • Polished interface (Libra-like)
  • ability to edit individual files
  • archivists' dashboard

Nice to Have

  • ability to create and edit sets
  • ability to add objects to sets
  • ability to discover and display sets
  • in browser views of common file types

Out of Scope for Phase One (Sept. 2011)

  • bulk permissions editing
  • loading control vocabularies

Reusable Elements from other Hydra Projects

  • APOs (Hydrus)
  • discovery of collection objects (Hydrus)
  • Blacklight (SALT) implementation for EAD, box and folder displays
  • Bulk loaders (SALT - Fitz, Adam at UVa)
  • New York Time Book reader
  • others?

Team Roles and Responsibilities.




Michael Olson

Project Manager


Mark Matienzo

Functional Lead


Naomi Dushay

Lead Developer


Bess Sadler

Consulting Developer


Chris Fitzpatrick

Consulting Developer


Jennifer Vine

UI Designer


Jessie Keck

UI developer


Lynn McRae

Data architect


Tom Cramer

Project Director


Adam Soroka

Data architect, Consulting developer


Julie Meloni

UVa Lead, UI Developer


Joe Gilbert

UI Developer, Consulting Developer


Molly Pickral

Consulting Developer


Media Shelf


  • cross project code rationalization
  • refactoring and GEM creation of existing code base
  • UI design / implementation?



Data Loading


  • Stanford will draft development plan, including SOW for contract development, and share with UVa and AIMS partners
  • With UVa sign off, UVa will issue contract and serve as contract manager with MediaShelf

Fedora Instances and content loading

  • Fedora instances envisioned
    • Stanford will host dev and public demo application w/ a representative sample of publicly accessible, demo objects across multiple (or all?) AIMS collections
      • parallel demo application at UVa?
    • Stanford will host Stanford collections long term
    • UVa will hosting of UVa, and likely Yale collections, long term
    • Hull will host Hull collections, long term

Development Process

  • Monthly iterations
  • Weekly deploys, continuous builds
  • Weekly calls of -dev team (Tuesdays)
  • Iterative development process
    • load first set of objects into Fedoras, index in solr, expose via BL
    • assess presentation, modify data model and software accordingly
    • reload data
    • rinse, repeat

Reference Note: on SALT, we loaded, reloaded and modifed in place the Feigenbaum content roughly two dozen times to get it to its current form.

Synching efforts across Hydra projects / institutions

Please note that this list is only representative of what the attendees knew at the time of the meeting

  • UVa has two people including Julie who are very experienced with UI design and implementation
  • would be useful to leverage UI expertise across UVa, Stanford and rest of Hydra partners.

High Level Roadmap

Key Tasks & New Work

  • Merge Libra and Hydrangea into stable Hydra trunk
  • Set up Hypatia / Fedora stacks (-dev and -demo at Stanford, others?)
  • Data ingest, solr indexing, exposure via Hypatia's BL
  • Data modelling: AIMS archival items, components and collections in Hydra

Development Tasks: New Components & Deliverables

  • Item discovery and views (object specific behaviors for archival objects, including definition of possibly compound or complex objects, display of appropriate descMD, techMD, including both individual "files" and disk images)
  • Archival collection discovery and views (object specific behaviors, reflecting appropriate descMD, techMD, adminMD, provenanceMD, and reflective of and/or complementary to EAD)
  • Application of APOs (AdminPolicyObjects) at a collection level
  • Development of Hydra set objects (aka "discovery collections") to support arrangement and description of collections into archival components
  • Use of set objects within Hydra Hypatia
    • creating set objects (aka archival components)
    • description of set objects
    • addition of items to set objects
      • individually (must have)
      • bulk (desirable)
    • discovery of set objects
    • display of set objects
  • Enhancements (TBD) to ActiveFedora, OpinionatedMetadata, Hydra infrastructure tickets (e.g., migration to Rails3)
  • Archivists' Dashboard, for arranging and describing items and components
  • No labels