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The scheduling and planning of the next minor release of Fedora, version 3.4, is currently underway, with an aim to release a beta version ready for Open Repositories 2010 in early July, and a final release in early August.

Community participation and feedback are vital to ensure that Fedora continues to meet the needs and objectives of its users.

The committers therefore invite your participation and feedback on the items you would like to see included in this next release of Fedora.

How you can help

Your help and assistance would be valued in the following ways.

Voting on issues in JIRA

The proposed list of unresolved JIRA issues to be considered for Fedora 3.4 is available here.

Issues have been included based on their priority, the number of votes received, and their overall architectural fit. It is not anticipated that all of these issues will be addressed in time for the release, and we would therefore invite you to vote for issues that are particularly significant to you so that we can use this information in guiding the planning for this release.

If you have a JIRA account already, once you are signed in you will see a "Vote for it" link when viewing an issue, under "Operations" in the left-hand pane.

If you do not have a JIRA account, you can create one by following the registration link here.

Raising new issues

If there are bugs you would like to see resolved or new features that you would like to see included in a future release of Fedora, and there does not appear to be an existing JIRA issue for these, then please go ahead and create new JIRA issues for these, or alternatively post the details to the list.

Participation in resolving issues

As an open-source community project, we encourage active participation in resolving open issues. You don't have to be a committer to contribute - any contribution from anyone is appreciated. If you would like to help out with any of the issues listed then please get in touch by posting to the list, by attending a committer meeting or by emailing one of the committers.

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