Archived / Obsolete Documentation

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  • new-theme-source (This directory holds the new theme's source code)
  • dspace-src/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/theme-dir (This will be the new location for the theme's source)
  • dspace/config/xmlui.xconf


  1. If you are installing a brand new theme that is not distributed with Manakin then preform the following operations, otherwise skip to the next step. cp new-theme-source dspace-src/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/theme-dir
  2. Open Manakin's configuration file, dspace/config/xmlui.xconf, scroll to the bottom and locate the <themes> element.
  3. Add a new tag <theme> element inside the <themes> element as below: <theme name="My new theme" path="theme-dir">
  4. If you wish to install this theme onto a particular community or collection then modify the new <theme> tag as: <theme name="My new theme" handle="123/1" path="theme-dir"
  5. If you wish to install this theme as the default theme then modify your new <theme> tag (make sure this tag is the last theme defined):<theme name="My new theme" regex=".*" path="theme-dir">
  • Other Example regex values:
  • regex="^$" (Theme for homepage ONLY)
  • regex="^browse$" (Theme for all global "Browse By" pages)
  • regex="community-list" (Theme for Community Listing page)
  1. Restart Tomcat (See Quick Restart in Rebuild DSpace)


  • Themes are evaluated in the order they appear in the xmlui.xconf file. Thus, if the default theme is defined before any other themes then no other themes will be used.