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What are we testing?

The performance of Fedora when performing create, read and delete operations of Fedora objects and datastreams using Fedora's REST API.

Test System

Fedora version: 3.6.2

System information: The information about the system on which the tests were done is placed at systemInfo.txt

Test Harness

The test was done using Apache JMeter

The Jmeter script used for the test is Fedora.jmx published in the github repo ff-jmeter-madness

Github is also used to publicize and keep track of the outcome of the test results at ff-jmeter-testResults - 2013-02-01-FedoraTests

Test Parameters

Number of Threads: The number of threads Jmeter will use to execute the test

Number of Loops: Configures the number of datastreams in the fedora object

File size - A set of files are generated on the fly. The file size is based on the mean and standard deviation

Test Data

Number of threads15     
Number of loops10      
File size - Mean (bytes)11024819210485810485768388608107374182
File size - Standard deviation (bytes)01028191048610485883886110737418

Test Results

Analyzing the test results

A plot of file size v/s elapsed time - testing the time taken to create a datastream (of differing file sizes) for 1 and 5 threads plotted individually and a combined plot


A plot of file size v/s time taken to transfer each byte - (shows the system latency, especially seen with files of size < 1 MB) for 1 and 5 threads plotted individually and a combined plot



A plot of file size v/s number of bytes transferred in 1 ms - (inverse of the above plots) for 1 and 5 threads plotted individually and a combined plot    



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