
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


  1. Danny Bernstein 
  2. Arran Griffith - Chair
  3. Michael Ritter (star)
  4. Jared Whiklo
  5. Ben Pennell 
  6. Doron Shalvi
  7. Dan Field 
  8. James Alexander 
  9. Demian Katz 

**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**

(star) - denotes note taker


  1. Announcements:
    1. Official welcome to Dan Field, new Fedora program team developer!
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
  3. Migration Updates:
    1. The Ohio State has spun up a pilot repo running Fedora 6.x and are happy with performance so far
    2. Institution in the Czech Republic that has a test instance of F6 running on their servers and are going to start testing data early this year (front end uses Django so will need to consider an integration for it) 
  4. Updates on:

    1. Open Tickets:
      1. FCREPO-3868 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Test that F6 runs in Tomcat 9 with Java 17
      2. FCREPO-3867 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Add Java 17 to the build test matrix to ensure eventual support
      3. FCREPO-3866 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - PUT-DEL-PUT objects in an archival group
      4. FCREPO-3865 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Add the ability to run a reindex fro the CLI or web interface on demand
      5. FCREPO-3864 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Items added quickly can mask some momento versions
    2.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:
    3. In Review:
      1. FCREPO-3847 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Migration-Utils does not support the DISABLED digest type from FoxML schema
  5. New tickets:

  6. Backlog Tickets to consider working:


  1. Welcome Dan to the team
  2. Pop Up Topics
    1. Parallel uploads
      1. FCREPO-3800 to track this
      2. We use a simple lock which blocks on every write/delete
      3. Need to update to only block on deletes
      4. Can look at linked ticket to get an idea of what the previous changes were
  3. Migration Updates
    1. Villanova will likely share next week
    2. Ohio hasn't run into issues so far, still needs to do further testing
    3. National Libraries getting small group of pids together for testing
    4. James - Looking for resources on people using F6 and how they are using it
  4. Open tickets
    1. FCREPO-3868 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. National Library may have already done this, Dan will confirm
    2. FCREPO-3867 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. Dan will take
    3. FCREPO-3866 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. Needs someone try and replicate first to see if there is an issue and see what's going on
    4. FCREPO-3865 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. May be other tickets for different indexes. Generally non-trivial but something to look into.
    5. FCREPO-3864 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. We squash versions to the nearest second to be consistent with memento. This allows, e.g. the wayback plugin to work with Fedora because we operate within the memento spec.
      2. Idea would be if you query a timegate you can pull back a listing of versions
      3. Still some discussion around use cases and how this would impact users
      4. Ben - does make some sense for the API to return versions if we do create + track them
  5. In Review
    1. FCREPO-3847 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. Mike - Will take a look and give a review
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