LG members: L Bryan Cooper; Bridget Almas; Brian Lowe, Thomas D. Halling (Derek); Robert Cartolano 

Lyrasis: Michele MennielliDragan Ivanovic

Regrets: Terrie R. Wheeler;  Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo ; Christian Hauschke ; Paul Albert ; Stefano Pinelli 

September 25, 2024 – VIVO Leadership Group Meeting - https://lyrasis.zoom.us/j/9963190968


Times: 9:30 AM CDT; 10:30 AM EDT, 16:30 Europe --- Meeting ID: 978 9514 1424

Welcome – All

  1. Selection - Notetaker & Attendance  (1 minute)             
  2. Consent Agenda (Please read before meeting.)  ( 1 minutes)
    1. The team of committers decided to create a new theme on top of the wilma theme which will be responsive. The suggested name for the theme is willow. If any LG member thinks this is not an appropriate name please write a comment at https://github.com/vivo-project/VIVO/pull/3972#issuecomment-2358189176.
  3. Lyrasis Partner Presentation / Possible Collaboration with VIVO users(?):
    1. Open Syllabus Director - Joe Karaganis     (15 minutes)
    2. Q&A   (5  minutes)
  4. Tactical Sub-Committee – Roadmap -- Update: Bridget   (5  minutes)     
    1. Q&A – LG Input     (5  minutes)
  5. How much time does VIVO really have? Possible Bootstrapping of Critical Short-Term Development: Brian (10 minutes)
  6. AI / Chatbot application to VIVO RDF Triple Stores:  All    (5  minutes)
  7. Update/Presentation on VIVO Webpages   Mic   (10 minutes)
    1. Q&A – LG Input (5 minutes)
  8. Barcelona Declaration Conference  Mic & Christian  (10 minutes)
  9. Lyrasis Learning - VIVO panel session opportunity – no volunteers? Bryan   & All   (5 minutes)
  10. Elections – Volunteers for officer elections(?)   Mic / All   (10 minutes)
  11. Old Business: Lyrasis’ Lisa Larson – Director Outreach & Engagement & Kait Neese – Member Outreach offer to us for gathering feedback for VIVO interest from Lyrasis community.  (3 minutes)


Lyrasis Partner Presentation / Possible Collaboration with VIVO users(?)

  • Starting point for Open Syllabus - collecting syllabi at scale at a time when institutions were moving to metrification and use of journal publications as a source of that data
  • Syllabi are another source of understanding faculty achievements, had not been taken advantage
  • Early work focused on citation analysis within syllabi
  • Creation of an altmetric faculty fell out of that work
  • Syllabi are a high-quality source of information about what faculty experts think are the most important ways to transmit knowledge
    • textbooks, general public literature, literature reviews, synthetic work
  • predominantly anglophone collection
  • scrape globally
  • have quite a bit of western europe represented
    • Top 10: US, UK, Australia, Canada, Italy, Czechia, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands
  • profile pages per author, title
  • can go from rankings to context and back and forth
  • visualizations of interrelationsips
  • support for transfer decision making via comparison of syllabi


  • potential application to use of VIVO for team-building
  • Allowing FIU to report on OER progress and find
  • relationship with Lyrasis:
    • Lyrasis partner
    • Moving from grants-based to subscription-based model
    • Trying to split freely accessible and premium
    • Lyrasis is the US provider for that model

Tactical Sub-Committee – Roadmap -- Update

Google Drive Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NJT65zIfWW5pSjzj2hOLr_2Cdetnl4_D?usp=drive_link

Working Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0zUkPNxkiHH5vLS2p0ckZxCCT_bE26hAUOZ_eQb9e8/edit?usp=drive_link

Upcoming Milestones:

  • 25-Sep-2024 Review first draft of roadmap and provide feedback
  • 30-Sep-2024 Provide your Success Stories (https://forms.gle/bJjS1ebKiNTxZGfE8)
  • 7-Oct-2024 Vote on website content update: success stories
  • 23-Oct-2024 Vote on roadmap

Roadmap Story Draft:

We are building a VIVO that ...

... is easy to install and customize

... is easy to get data into

... supports data curation

... is easy to get data out of

... is secure, respects data privacy, and is accessible

... is documented for all audiences

Question from Bryan on Harvesting protocols, is Z39.50 still important?

How much time does VIVO really have? Possible Bootstrapping of Critical Short-Term Development

  • Roadmap looks good so far
  • Previous ones once formulated, development continued on with inertia, without roadmap having an impact
  • Things are very much different this year, once we vote on it, we have to make it happen or we may not get another chance
  •  everything in immediate and near term has to really be done now - how to do we get it done?
  •  to what extent do we need to develop a contingency plan for if we don't get grant funding or if process takes too long, what do we do in the meantime?
  •  we're going to need to somehow leverage what little resources we have and have that a nexus around which we can coallesce the work
  •  the more we get some visible momentum ourselves the better our chance with funders will be
  •  need to be thinking about what percentage of our cash reserves is appropriate to fund some development
  • are there any in-kind contributions within the leadership institutions that we could ramp up in the short-term to get this going
  • is it appropriate to start getting more regular feedback from the committers and developers group now?
  • lack of connection with priorities in the past has prevented progress/motivation among developers
  • membership cancellations looming
  • roadmap
    • need estimates for hours and costs
    • having that would help with getting access to library "below the line" budgets
      • Texas A&M may be able to help pay for some of these if we had 
                * Also should talk to Columbia about funding opportunities as wel
  • Action Items:

AI / Chatbot application to VIVO RDF Triple Stores - Updates

  • Leipzig and Oxford are looking at models of AI applied to RDF
  • Oxford's work was just bought by Samsung
  • Bryan will have a meeting with CiteAI

Update/Presentation on VIVO Webpages

  • Review of the updated website
    • restructuring, updated images
      • now can more easily edit and update website
    • news page, development fund page ready to use, not visible because easy to make live as soon as we're ready
      • tried to simplify language, highlight simple benefits, not replicating content that exists on the Wiki
      • goal was to broaden the community and push for membership
      • graphic layout is based on the work that was done by VIVO governance a few years ago - color palette, different graphics and layouts
      • new registry form
  • Next steps for the website:
    • reach out to community members to ask them to repopulate the registry
    • populate with the success stories being gathered from leadership
  • Discussion
    • do we need to think about increasing language to beyond "research and scholarship" to the impact story of the faculty and university
    • are there other nomenclatures that we can use to highlight the difference and potential of VIVO beyond research
    • what questions do we need to ask of the Lyrasis community to guide us in this area?
    • interdependency about how to frame current strengths vs those things that are potential strengths with a little more development
    • VITRO was always intended to support other types of data and relationships
    • Need to be wary of false advertising and turning people off by promising too much
    • Bryan thinks this is something we should market and be bold
    • Tagline suggestions:
      • facilitate visualization and discovery of your full academic eco system
      • remove "facilitate" or "Facilitate the".  Focus on the desired outcome, not the action to get there.
  • Action Items:
    • ALL to go through the website and send Mic any requests for changes
    • ALL to suggest new taglines for the home page

Barcelona Declaration Conference

  • mainly a policy meeting to figure out how to do lobbying to governments and funding agencies to push for the adoption of the topics stated in the declaration
  • 130 attendees from many different institutions
  • Day 1
    • tons of institutions presented on what they are already doing to comply
    • the presentations were useful and interesting
    • main point - institutions trying to rely as much as they can on open source technologies to push open research data and sharing
    • Christian and Kyle Demes presented on work to connect VIVO and OpenAlex as the first example of an open research infrastructure being fed by an open research data set.
      • was good visibility for VIVO
  • Day 2
    • Workshop format
    • Funding as a crucial pillar
    • Asked if people were interested in participating with their time
      • VIVO needs to be active there
    • Another key topic: what's the alternative to the commercial ecosystem
      • infrastructures are not presenting what that eco system could be
      • need to get together to define what that would look like and present it to the institutions
  • Discussion
    • what is the current status of OpenAlex as source of VIVO
    • Christian has a pilot, and will have some funding to build that out into a bi-directional connection
    • Need to continue the discussions with DSpace, particularly in the context of the open research infrastructure ecosystem
  • Action Items:
        * Strategic subcommittee to talk about how to be an active participant and/or leader in discussions about how what an open eco system can be
        * Bridget Almas to put Bryan in touch with Kyle Demes about the status of ingest of syllabi data into OpenAlex

Elections – Volunteers for officer elections

  • First need nominations for the leadership group members
  • Mic sent out the forms, deadline is September 30th
  • Only received 2 nominations so far
  • Need leadership group members to respond, and then we can fill officer roles
  • Bryan making an appeal to leadership members to consider stepping up to officer roles
  • Action items
    • ALL to submit nominations by September 30

Old Business

  • Lyrasis Learning - VIVO panel session opportunity
  • Questions from VIVO to outreach
    • Are you interested in something that tells your full institutional story?
    • What are the key components of that? What sources?
  • Action Items
    • ALL submit questions to Mic to share with Lyrasis Outreach team

  • No labels