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All of the public RDF in VIVO is available in response to Linked Open Data requests. VIVO responds to standard LOD requests, and also some request formats that are particular to VIVO.


Link to the concept page, and perhaps to other sources.

What is included in the response?

When you get request the public RDF about an individual in VIVO, the result is a set of RDF statements, or triples. These triples state:

  • The data properties of the individual.
  • The object properties that relate this individual to other individuals.
  • The object properties of other individuals that relate to this individual
  • The labels and types of these related individuals.
  • Some triples that describe the RDF document itself.

This statement over-simplifies slightly. In VIVO, object properties and data properties can be public, or restricted to some extent. The RDF for an individual will contain only public properties.

An example response

Let's say that we have a faculty member with just a few items on his profile page. It might look like this:

Here is the RDF for this person, produced by a request for In this example, the RDF is expressed in N3 format.

@prefix foaf:    <> .
@prefix vcard:   <> .
@prefix obo:     <> .
@prefix rdfs:    <> .
@prefix vitro:   <> .
@prefix xsd:     <> .
@prefix owl:     <> .
@prefix vivo:    <> .

      a       vivo:FacultyMember , 
              foaf:Person , 
              owl:Thing , 
              foaf:Agent , 
              obo:BFO_0000002 , 
              obo:BFO_0000001 , 
              obo:BFO_0000004 ;
      rdfs:label "Baker, Able "^^xsd:string ;
      obo:ARG_2000028 <> ;
      obo:RO_0000053 <> , 
                     <> ;
              vivo:FacultyMember ;
              "Potrezebie, Chattanooga" ;
              <> ;
      vivo:relatedBy <> , 
                     <> , 
                     <> ;
              "Whatever strikes my fancy." ;
      vivo:scopusId "abaker" .

      a       vcard:Kind , 
              obo:BFO_0000031 , 
              owl:Thing , 
              obo:ARG_2000379 , 
              obo:IAO_0000030 , 
              obo:BFO_0000002 , 
              obo:BFO_0000001 , 
              vcard:Individual ;
      obo:ARG_2000029 <> .

      a       owl:Thing , 
              obo:BFO_0000023 , 
              vivo:InvestigatorRole , 
              obo:BFO_0000002 , 
              obo:BFO_0000017 , 
              vivo:PrincipalInvestigatorRole , 
              obo:BFO_0000020 , 
              obo:BFO_0000001 , 
              vivo:ResearcherRole ;
      obo:RO_0000052 <> .

      a       owl:Thing , 
              obo:BFO_0000023 , 
              obo:BFO_0000017 , 
              obo:BFO_0000002 , 
              obo:BFO_0000020 , 
              obo:BFO_0000001 , 
              vivo:LeaderRole ;
      rdfs:label "Lead Guitarist"^^xsd:string ;
      obo:RO_0000052 <> .

      a       foaf:Person , 
              vivo:FacultyMember , 
              foaf:Agent , 
              owl:Thing , 
              obo:BFO_0000002 , 
              obo:BFO_0000001 , 
              obo:BFO_0000004 ;
      rdfs:label "Dog, Charlie" .

      a       owl:Thing , 
              vivo:Relationship , 
              obo:BFO_0000002 , 
              obo:BFO_0000020 , 
              obo:BFO_0000001 , 
              vivo:Authorship ;
      vivo:relates <> .

      a       vivo:FacultyPosition , 
              owl:Thing , 
              vivo:Relationship , 
              obo:BFO_0000002 , 
              obo:BFO_0000020 , 
              obo:BFO_0000001 , 
              vivo:Position ;
      rdfs:label "Functionary"^^xsd:string ;
      vivo:relates <> .

      a       owl:Thing , 
              vivo:Relationship , 
              obo:BFO_0000002 , 
              obo:BFO_0000020 , 
              obo:BFO_0000001 , 
              vivo:Grant ;
      rdfs:label "Cosmogenic Lassitude in Phlegmatic Axolotls" ;
      vivo:relates <> .

      a       owl:Class ;
      rdfs:label "Entity" .

      a       owl:Class ;
      rdfs:label "Continuant" .

      a       owl:Class ;
      rdfs:label "Independent Continuant"@en-US .

      a       owl:Class ;
      rdfs:label "Faculty Member"@en-US .

      a       owl:Class ;
      rdfs:label "Person"@en-US .

      a       owl:Class ;
      rdfs:label "Agent"@en-US .

      a       owl:Class .

      a       foaf:Document ;
      rdfs:label "RDF description of Baker, Able  -" ;
      <> "2014-03-10T11:08:39"^^xsd:dateTime ;
      <> <> ;
      <> <> .

The RDF information can be expressed graphically, like this:

Restricting properties

How to make them public or private, and how to obtain the private ones by logging in before requesting LOD.

Available formats

List the formats we provide, with references to definitions, especially for JSONLD

Request forms

A table of request URLs, accept headers, response formats and response mime types

Error handling

What do we do if the format is incorrect, if they ask for an unsupported mime type, if the individual doesn't exist?

  • No labels