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Huda Khan, Astrid Usong
July 2022


We wanted to understand if participants could easily navigate to and find the additional relationships we had added to the interface.  We also wanted to understand which of the relationships the participants might find useful. 


We sent out a recruitment email to contacts who forwarded the message to Mann and Olin student employee email lists and to a list for student supervisors.  When participants responded, we scheduled a half hour Zoom session with them and sent them the consent form as an attachment.  During the Zoom session, after obtaining verbal consent from the participants, we provided a link to the tasks and links to the prototype and production catalog.   In one case, due to technical difficulties, we provided a link to slides with screenshots from the prototype. We began the session with a preliminary question about how participants conducted their research and ended the session with a few follow up questions.   



Student or staff

Area of study or work


Undergrad, rising senior

Human ecology


Staff member

Veterinary school


Staff member

Collections assistant


Undergrad, rising senior

Development sociology


Grad student

Public health


Grad student

Plant pathology


Grad student


July 5 - 10


  • The prototype design enabled many participants to find translations, adaptations, and sequels when they either could not complete at least one of those tasks using the production system.  
  • Participants were able to use the prototype to find availability for particular resources, so the changes in design did not appear to make availability information harder to locate.
  • Although most participants were able to eventually find and use the “explore related items” link, the display and labeling for the “explore related items” link could be updated to highlight the function and resulting content.  Suggestions include changing the link to a button and changing the language to more clearly reflect that the resulting work page has directly related versions and works.  
  • Although some participants noted that they do not usually look for sequels, movie adaptations, and/or translations, they found the prototype pages to be easy to use.  Examples of other information that may be considered useful were multiple editions of textbooks. 

Although we did not include tasks focusing on the reordering of information on the item page to display work information first and then instance information, none of the participants discussed the re-ordering or seemed hindered by it when working on their tasks. 


Prototype (system and/or mockups) results summary

  • Four completed all tasks without prompt
  • Two prompted to go back to item/explore for different tasks which they then completed successfully
    • Movie adaptation
    • Translation   
  • One missed explore link and completed task upon clicking
  • Comment: “Made me sweat less than the catalog”

Production results summary

  • Biggest areas of struggle: finding sequels and translations.
  • Exhibited combination of search strategies
    • Keyword, author facet, language facet, format facet
  • Many used the “Other forms of this work” link thinking it could also help them with finding translations and adaptations.  Search strategies included using that link and then the following facets: 
    • Translation search using language facet
    • Adaptation search using format facet


We alternated the order of the interfaces the participants tested, with three participants starting with the prototype first and three with the catalog first.  Due to technical difficulties, we had to provide the last participant screenshots of a previous version of the prototype in lieu of the functioning prototype and they then tested the production catalog like all the other participants. 

These two documents outline the tasks, with one having the prototype link first and the other having the Cornell production catalog link first.  We are also including the text of the questions and tasks below.  Screenshots from the prototype and production catalog are included below for documentation.  We are also including the screenshots we used with the last participant below. 


Preliminary question

  • How do you normally do research using the catalog?


You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at [prototype link or catalog link].  Please go to this page.

  • If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.

Follow up questions

  • Which of these tasks do you currently do when researching or looking for resources?  Which of these tasks would you not do? Would you please explain why?
  • Would any of these features be useful to you in how you search or do research?  
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about any of the features you saw?

Screenshots from the production catalog

Screenshots from the prototype

Screenshots used by the last participant

The link to the slide deck used by the last participant is here: and screenshots are included directly below


In the table below, we summarize participant behavior indicating which tasks they might have struggled with or not completed using the prototype system or production.  For each participant, we also note if they provided specific comments on the prototype or production systems, which tasks they indicated they normally would or would not do with the system, and any features they thought might be useful.






Tasks -Production

Comments- Production

Tasks normally done/not done

Useful features and other comments


Did not use the explore link initially when doing Thai translation task.  Saw the link when looking for adaptations and then saw translation there as well. 

Good to have everything on one page.  Suggest adding facets to work page.

Did not find Thai translation or last sequel.  

Used “other forms of this work” link to look for translation and adaptation.  

Do not do any of the tasks normally but that for looking for availability information. 

Seeing if a particular item has online version.  

Finding translations. 


All completed without prompts

Did not find first sequel, last sequel, Thai translation, or movie. 

Used “other forms of this work” link to try to look for Thai translation, first sequel, and movie. 

Do not usually help others to find movies or translations. 

“Other copies” is a clear term.  Prototype seems clear and intuitive. 


Began by searching for and then using WorldCat to look for other copies.  Had to be prompted to 

“Adaptation” does not reflect regular catalog language.  Would help to use language like “format”.  Liked the explore/work page. “Explore” and “Browse” seem to mean the same thing. If keeping both explore and “browse related items by call number”, use same language.  

Did not find first sequel or last sequel.  Did see Dune 2022 in results but was looking for specific version.

Relied on keyword search with facets such as publication year, language, and format. 

Do all the tasks except finding sequels. Others that they help are usually grad students or researchers.  These people will often look for a particular published year or rare items in the library. 

Like the explore/work page which has images.  Inclusion of sequels is useful. 


All completed without prompts

Took a little while to find the translation as defaulted to looking at the left column.  Thought “explore related items” sounded like the page would show similar items.   

Did not find Thai translation or the last. 

Used “other forms of this work” to to find translation using the language facet. Used notes on item page (which gave the name of the first sequel) and keyword search to find the first sequel. 

Have looked for other copies and online resources.  Don’t usually look for translations, sequels, or movie adaptations. 

Translations might be useful.  Finding online options is useful. Labeling was easy to understand.  Automatically looked at the left column when looking for translations on work page. 


Successfully clicked on and navigated to the work/explore page but missed translations.  Had to be prompted to go back to find translation. 

Indicated they could perhaps use search or sort by to find first sequel (?)

Did not open up first sequel record  or last sequel, movie adaptation, or thai translation.

Tried to use “other forms of this work” to find Thai translation, sequels, and movie adaptation. 

Have looked for other copies or options, online resources, and movies. Have not looked for translations and sequels.

All features were helpful and useful and not messy.


All completed without prompts

“Super clear!” Perhaps change “explore related items” to “access all”.  “Related” does not necessarily seem to imply sequels and different versions. 

Initially, did not find first sequel but later saw the name in the notes on the item page.  Did not find the last sequel. 

Used search strategies such as keyword search and facets

Would not usually look for translations  or movies. Would look for different versions of a textbook.

Good to know about translation.  Work/explore page is clear. 


Found the link for work page (labeled “view related items” in the older prototype screenshot) but missed the translation.  Had to be prompted to go back to the work/explore page screenshot to find the translation. 

Thought that “view related items” would show any items with title word “Dune” in it, similar to sequels.  Suggested labeling “view other adaptations and translations” or “View more related information and titles related to Dune”.

Suggested making the link boxed to stand out.  Noted that listing other copies under the libraries under availability would also be useful. Noted that adding book covers on the item page’s listing of other copies would help differentiate between copies. 

Did not find the last sequel or the Thai translation. 

Tried to use “other forms of this work” to find translation. 

Would not normally look for translations, movies, or sequels

Would consider perhaps not sequels but other editions useful.  Would consider sequels useful if reading for pleasure.  Wouldn’t consider movies useful

NOTES (Huda)

Session One

Undergrad, going into senior year, human ecology

Preliminary question

  • How do you normally do research using the catalog?

Type in name of book- specific book. 

Tasks (prototype first)


You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at  Please go to this page.

  • If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • See other copies. Found online. 
    • Clicked and saw “online” 
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Saw language on top
    • Scrolled to bottom 
    • No hyperlink on language - 
    • Did not see “explore related items”
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Saw sequels pretty fast
      • Looked at date, Dune messiah
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Saw the date right away
    • Chapter house
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Scrolled to the bottom and then found explore related
    • “Here are the translations”
    • Found the movie 

Explore related items: Didn’t see it at first.  Used link later on their own when scrolling down the page during the adaptation task.  

Thought link would be: “Other series” by Frank Herbert. 

Does make sense as far as “related items” 

Library catalog

You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at .

  • Please go to this page.If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • First option: would request item
    • Would see when it was due if it were checked out
      • OR: Possibly see other forms of this work.  Figure they’re just about the same
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • See other forms. See “online”.  
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • See all forms
    • Click on language
    • Seems only available in English - language option is the ones that are available.
    • (Didn’t find the one we do have)
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Saw note that says “Note: dune messiah”
    • Would have to look it up . Typed in keywords “dune messiah”.  Lead to this one.  
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Would have to figure out the sequels in general
    • No way to know if sequel listed is the first
    • A: If trying to figure out first and last sequel, where would you look for that
    • Look for year - look at publications
    • Would have to look up dune in general and possibly see what comes up
    • Not sure what I would do
    • See published years: 1965, etc. 
    • Not sure how they are connected besides the year
    • (Didn’t find the one we do have)
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Go to see all forms
    • Format: book
    • Then would lookup search “dune” (keyword search): and popup search result
    • Search again until find video

Other forms of this work: Expect to see other languages.  Also for movie, would have expected it to be there - but then it’s not by the same author, so would expect to not find it there, now that I look at it. 

Follow up questions

  • Which of these tasks do you currently do when researching or looking for resources?  Which of these tasks would you not do? Would you please explain why?
    • Don’t do a lot of these necessarily
    • Wouldn’t look for online b/c look for physical book
    • Never had to find a translation
    • Never looked up sequels or movie adaptation
    • Really the only one I do is check for availability of items
  • Would any of these features be useful to you in how you search or do research?  
    • Online resource is pretty useful
      • If book isn’t available, option is possible
    • Translation
      • If taking a French class, and if need to read a book, helpful if can find book in French
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about any of the features you saw?
    • Production: Do like the facets on other forms, but would expect more different features
    • Prototype: Like the sequels - listed in order - useful
      • Think good there are adaptations, translations 
      • Everything in one place
      • But maybe facets/sidebar would have been useful
      • Items about “Dune” - like that

A: What kind of materials do you usually use at the library?

Reading for pleasure.  Lookup the book.

Haven’t really looked for research options.

Go to GoogleScholar or PubMed


Session Two

Staff member at vet school

Preliminary question

  • How do you normally do research using the catalog?

Don’t do a lot of research. Sometimes help patrons to find info. Go to library website.  Type in title of book.  If having difficulties find a book, do a Google search for the book and copy and paste into the library catalog. 

Tasks (catalog first)

Library catalog

You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at .

  • Please go to this page.If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • If not available, would hit request item
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Would look at visual browse
    • Or select all forms of this work
    • Clicked it and found the first one is online
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Would look at see all forms of this work again
    • Never thought about finding other languages
    • But has easy selection choice under language facet but only English
    • Not sure how to search for translation
    • Selected English facet .  Curious to see what would happen. 
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Clicked on “other forms of this work” again
    • Clicked on item
    • “First edition?” No, first sequel
    • Started looking at related items by call number
    • Then came back to all forms.
      • Then author
        • Clicked “at the library”
    • Not sure where I would go next
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Typing in frank herbert in search using author option in search tupe
    • Problem: Kept it in the other forms page which only showed the four items
      • Prompted to get rid of Work facet
    • “Sandworms of Dune”? That’s the wrong person
      • Looked at year, thought it was last
      • But not the right author
      • Trying to look through for what choices are. Not choice 
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • See all forms of this work
    • Checked under format - but if just book
    • If starting fresh, probably type in dune and movie


You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at  Please go to this page.

  • If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Probably go to borrow direct
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Very easy to find, under other copies.
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Clicked all “explore all related items” - found it
    • Found the translation
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Sequels listed - so easy- clicked on Dune Messiah
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Chapter house
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Scrolled down the page first
    • Looking for a movie in the list - found it under adaptations

Missed “movie” icon.  “Adaptations” works well in general

Follow up questions

  • Which of these tasks do you currently do when researching or looking for resources?  Which of these tasks would you not do? Would you please explain why?
    • Don’t often help people find movies, more of a science bend
    • Not been asked to help find translations
  • Would any of these features be useful to you in how you search or do research?
    • Interesting.  Page before it has things laid out in intuitive
    • Having other copies. “Other copies” is clear  
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about any of the features you saw?


Session Three

Staff member, assistant for collections

Preliminary question

  • How do you normally do research using the catalog?

Use catalog databases because questions focused on various studies.  Catalog is one tool.  Use our own databases which also connect with catalog as well.

Tasks (prototype first)


You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at  Please go to this page.

  • If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • (Actually searched WorldCat in search bar) Use WorldCat a lot. Books search have less reproduction capabilities.
    • Keyword search
    • Then limit by publication year
    • “Other copies” is here: Can see on campus have four other options
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Easy to find
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Don’t see any information about translations
    • Can’t see which copy is translation
    • Open item and take a look
    • Could do a search with language as keyword search: Dune and language
      • Found video in French and Spanish (using the snippet info)
      • Then clicked the language facet for Thai
        • Saw three titles (not necessarily Dune)
    • Saw “explore all related items” - 
      • Normally see the browse related items by call number
      • Often use the visual shelf browse
        • See only three at a time
    • Once on the page, can see translation
      • Wasn’t sure at first if right, then clicked on the item
        • Uniform title and other title and language
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Easy to find because listed
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Easy to find the last
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Went back to main item page
    • Search page with title option and picked video format on resulting search page

    Had trouble finding “not listed as a movie” but then saw adaptations

“Adaptation” not same as catalog language.  “Format” language

Library catalog

You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at .

  • Please go to this page.If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Other forms of this work:books and online. Can click on see all forms
    • Another way is to use the visual browse
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Go back to Dune and search and format facet? (first did book)
      • Was looking at formats for online
        • Database: Checked that. Not right item
        • (Prompted to use “online” facet) - said had used that
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Search using keyword “Dune”. 
    • Use language facet. Pick thai
    • Five items. If image was there, would be useful to see if it is Dune
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Do a search on Dune
    • Not sure if there is easier way to find a sequel
    • Could use the publication year?
    • Not sure if “sequel” keyword is searchable
    • Would guess after (using publication year facet to do 1966 and beyond)
    • Not sure how to do that more efficiently
    • So many results and have to look through them
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Probably same way as before
    • Not familiar with searching for sequels
    • Went to very last page
    • Try to see if language in title
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Went back to search Dune (all fields)
    • Clicked video format
      • Not sure if video is the same as movie. But that is the only choice
      • Look at author?
    • Had seen 2022 before, but wanted to see if there are other versions of the movie
      • (Sometimes patrons ask for very specific title)

Tend to use databases more than books, so maybe other participants would use other options.  Never searched for sequel. 

Follow up questions

  • Which of these tasks do you currently do when researching or looking for resources?  Which of these tasks would you not do? Would you please explain why?
    • Do all of the tasks except sequel
    • Users mainly grad students and professors.  If they wanted to find in collection, they know a little bit of the area. They know what they want. 
      • Less sequel
      • Know what year they are looking for
      • Or use database
      • Or looking for rare items
      • Might be different 
  • Would any of these features be useful to you in how you search or do research?  
    • Like the sequel one (if doing that task)
    • Like the explore related items - has images
    • “Explore” or browse terms similar
      • Probably use the same language - consistent with the catalog
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about any of the features you saw?


Session Four

Undergrad, rising senior, development sociology

Preliminary question

  • How do you normally do research using the catalog?

Use catalog if already know if specific source, or search for keywords if you don’t have a specific source in mind

Tasks (catalog first)

Library catalog

You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at .

  • Please go to this page.If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Would click request item
    • Would look at other forms of this work - maybe available digitally
    • Maybe also visual shelf browse
    • If nothing else, ask a librarian
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Other forms of this work - assuming there would be an online version
    • Can see from result available online
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • First one is English
    • Go back to all forms of this work
    • See they are all English
    • Check language facet: still says in English
    • Would go to ask a librarian
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Did see the note that Dune Messiah
    • So did keyword search for dune messiah and found the book
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Doesn’t say in notes about which books are afterwards
    • Clicked on author info knowledge panel to see what books have been written (the author search)
      • Lot of Dune related books
      • Can I google for it? “The title of the Dune book”
        • Once found it, would search for title of last book
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Search dune in keyword
      • First one is video from 2022
      • Know that is the year 
      • It is available in Uris


You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at  Please go to this page.

  • If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Says other copies - could flip through there and see what other options there are
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Under other copies - go to online
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Click “explore all related items”
    • Click on translation from the top bar
    • Saw the translation
      • Took a little while to see translation because automatically looked on the left first, so then took a minute to see translation column
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Has sequels
    • Assuming in order - have dates next to them
    • First one is Dune Messiah
    • If no other options, maybe click request item
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Chapter house: pretty easy to see
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Is it on the first page?
    • Clicked to explore
      • Then saw adaptations right away

Didn’t see sequels at first on the explore item page, because had to scroll a bit. 

Before clicking on it, “related items” sounds more like books that are similar. Not sure about what better title.  Different forms? Sequels, translations, adaptations. 

“Copies” makes most sense (Huda asked if “other forms” or “copies” ok)

Follow up questions

  • Which of these tasks do you currently do when researching or looking for resources?  Which of these tasks would you not do? Would you please explain why?
    • Finding other options for checking out a book
    • Also find online resource instead of physical copy
    • Haven’t checked for sequels or movie adaptations - associate more with fiction 
    • Haven’t done translation search but could see it is helpful 
      • Looking for a text
    • Collection or series?
      • Other books on same topic by same author
      • Collection
  • Would any of these features be useful to you in how you search or do research?  
    • Other options for checking out item
    • Find online resource
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about any of the features you saw?
    • Like the labeling of the new site
    • Easy to find things
    • Tend to go towards the left - sometimes the two columns
      • Knowing to check the right
      • Maybe looks a little busy


Session Five

Grad student, public health

Preliminary question

  • How do you normally do research using the catalog?

If starting research from general category, type whatever “transposable elements”

If looking for something specific and certain keywords, click on advanced search and add specific info that I need to know

Tasks (prototype first)


You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at  Please go to this page.

  • If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Could request item
    • First thought “other copies” was interlibrary loan
    • Confused by “other copies”
      • Different editions
    • Then understood and looked at dates from other copies and which one available
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Found it and clicked on it.
    • Available on overdrive
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Scrolled down and found the related items link
    • But then left it 
      • “Can I use the search bar?”
      • Clicked on Dune imaginary place as subject
        • Then looked at language facet
      • Prompted to go back to the explore items
        • Missed translations because looking at the left side
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • (Notes based on recording)
    • Dune Messiah - found on explore related works page
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Chapterhouse Dune - found the last one
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Went to explore related items page
    • And found under “adaptations” section

Found the adaptation - 

Library catalog

You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at .

  • Please go to this page.If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Would go to request item
    • The “other copies” section showed me all the options and was useful
      • If didn’t know request item link present, would be like oh don’t have it
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Click on other forms of this work
    • Found “online” icon in the search results
    • Or would go to the access facet later
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • See all forms of this work
    • Down to language facet
    • Sees only English
    • Would stop at this point
    • Also shows other locations
      • Went to library locations - to see if other libraries have it outside the Cornell system
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Saw the notes section
    • Went to all forms of this work
    • Liked the prototype showed the sequels
    • Maybe related items?
      • Would like to see a full list
      • Did list view of call number browse
        • Not really sure what’s going on
    • “Oh wait” saw that can click on subject “Dune” which will take me to broader search
      • More materials related to it
      • In terms of finding sequel not really sure
    • Saw sequel name so could manually search for that
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Lookup Herbert, Frank by typing keyword search
      • Could go to his name to search- but maybe not all the ones associated
    • Last resort do dune frank herbert sequels
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • See all forms of this work
    • Would look at format but don’t see it here
      • Should be here under format
    • Then do keyword search “dune frank herbert movie”
      • Did not find movie (!)


Follow up questions

  • Which of these tasks do you currently do when researching or looking for resources?  Which of these tasks would you not do? Would you please explain why?
    • Would type keyword search - would go to advanced search
    • Have done:
      • Checking for other options
      • Online resource
      • Adaptations: other formats 
        • Movies or something else
    • Have not done
      • Translations
      • sequels
  • Would any of these features be useful to you in how you search or do research?  
    • Yes, all of them
    • Definitely other copies section
      • Already gives me a view of other copies
    • And sequels
    • Useful and not messy or crowded
    • Q: Is explore all related items ok?
      • A: Straightforward
      • Clicking on it will take to all related items
      • Translations, etc. 
      • Maybe the word “all” is not necessary
      • Self-explanatory
    • Work page: anything to add
      • The arrows in the nav bar - maybe useful to people who are not tech savvy and may not know that clicking on that would go down
        • But may help others
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about any of the features you saw?
    • When first came to this page, only looked at left side
    • Arrows unnecessary - b/c people know hyperlink
    • Would go past summary - quickly scroll down and ignore the right hand column
    • Maybe if nav bar was more noticeable - maybe at the top?
      • Putting in buttons at the top
    • But if not rushed, a very friendly website


Session Six

Grad student, plant pathology

Preliminary question

  • How do you normally do research using the catalog?

Research for scientific articles.

Look for titles for papers and see  in library.

When doing literature review.

Also look for books every now and then.

Tasks (catalog first)

Library catalog

You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at .

  • Please go to this page.If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • “Has to be checkout?”
    • Looked under other forms : three online. No wait one online and two 
      • Newer version? 1982
      • Available at Olin
      • (Going directly from the other forms)
      • Online available on OverDrive - would pick that one
      • If hypothetically checked out, would get one from 1982 or the newer version which is also available
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Already saw that one
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Not sure if looked for translations before
    • Do keyword search “dune thai” to see if it changes
    • First result is the dune thai result
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Keyword search “dune sequel”
      • Not sure if writing “sequel” will work out
    • Changed it to “Dune” in general
      • Change other details
      • Format: book
      • Author facet: looked for frank herbert - not listed
      • Did search for Author: “dune frank herbert”
      • 17 results
        • This may be a sequel but not re
        • “Road to dune”
          • Table of contents - read that
            • “Behind the scenes”
          • Tried to make book cover image to see if it says something
        • Not sure how to look for sequel without knowing name
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Using same search results as before
    • Looking for items with “Dune” in the title and filtering by Author “Herbert, Frank”
    • Then trying to look at dates of items to see which is sequel
      • The titles are confusing
    • Also showing items from both herbert, frank and herbert, brain and that is also confusing
    • Saw Dune Messiah
      • Looked at Notes section
        • Here it is! “Sequel to Dune”
    • Then looked at dates
      • Road to dune is most recent but doesn’t say sequel
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Start over with “Dune”
    • Movie is first result
      • Also want to filter by video as well as opening in another tab


You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at  Please go to this page.

“Super clear!”

  • If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Just go to other copies
    • Open up the 1982 one - will be one option from Olin
    • Clicked on second copy
    • Third: checked out
      • Physical
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Super easy
    • This one has the little thing that says online which is very obvious
    • Available on OverDrive
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Saw the link 
    • Because it says “all related items” - may click that before looking it for
    • There it is! Says translations
      • Says ‘Thai” here. Don’t even have to click to open the items
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • On explore page:
    • Or could also go back to item page
      • Looks like five b/c nothing else
      • Guessing Dune Messiah - looking at the date
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Most recent being: 1985
    • Doesn’t say sequel when you click on the item
    • Trust these are the titles, don’t have to guess just by date
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Easy to see it in adaptations on explore page
    • If on item page, before going to recheck here, would just click on explore link
      • If not there, then would do a search myself

Follow up questions

  • Which of these tasks do you currently do when researching or looking for resources?  Which of these tasks would you not do? Would you please explain why?
    • For personal research, would look for different versions of the books
      • Looking for a textbook
      • Multiple versions 
        • Would get the most recent version usually because most up to date
        • Nice to see which ones are there to see what is available
    • Never looked for translations in catalog - haven’t had the need to do so
      • Native language is Spanish. Cool to know you can look for translations
    • Movie adaptations
      • I only looked for a movie once years ago
      • Wouldn’t do that day to day
      • But also work in library - very useful to see all the info summarized in a single page
        • If people come over and say I’m looking for this book
  • Would any of these features be useful to you in how you search or do research?  
    • Yes, the second page was super clear
    • My research does not make me look for books (yes papers, not books)
      • But can see improvement
      • Can see useful for people whose research is based on books
    • Every now and then look for books so can see useful
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about any of the features you saw?
    • Q: Explore all related items
      • Access all? Not sure how to say it. Will see every single format
        • “Related items”: books are closely related but not necessarily sequels, maybe things from same area or author, but different story
        • Could be a little clearer
        • Different versions - everything
      • Anything to add or take away from explore
        • That’s fine
        • Pretty clear


Session Seven

Grad student

Preliminary question

  • How do you normally do research using the catalog?

Tasks (prototype first)


You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at  Please go to this page.

  • If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Request item
    • Other copies
      • Vet lib taken
      • Last one online rescue (that screenshot does not have “online”)
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Last one but not sure (slightly older screenshot)
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Reading other copies
    • Looking at captions and it says English/english
    • Not on item page
    • Would have to click on something else
    • Book says English language - doesn’t look like it’s clickable
    • Wonder if would have to search catalog that says “Thai”
    • Did see “view all related items”
      • Thought it would be sequels 
      • Some word of Dune
    • Had to be prompted
      • There is the thai translation
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Went back to item page
      • Looking at dates under the sequels column
      • Assume it would go in order
    • First one would be Dune Messiah in 1969
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • 5: Chapterhouse 1985
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • Went back to work page
    • Found the adaptation page

Asked if green button was clear (as visible)

Seen green online button

Library catalog

You have searched for the book “Dune” in the library catalog.  You are viewing the page for one of the search results at .

  • Please go to this page.If this particular item is checked out in the library, find other options for checking out Dune items.
    • Request item
    • Other forms of this 
      • One says online and would click on that
      • Would then go to overdrive link
      • “At the library”?
        • Olin etc.
        • Wonder if could also do borrow direct or ILL
          • Q: in the box or in the forms of this work page
          • A: yes
  • Find a Dune item which is an online resource.
    • Found under other forms
  • Find a Thai translation of Dune.  Is this translation available to check out?
    • Click see all forms of this work
    • Clicked language on the side - only one that came up was English
    • Only four options
    • Can’t really find it here
  • Find the first Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Saw note: Sequel Dune Messiah
    • Other thought would be to go Frank Herbert’s “page”
      • Clicked on search link
      • But obviously wouldn’t be in order
      • Easier to search Google what first sequel would be
    • Don’t think it’s in other forms
    • Maybe sort by year ascending under author list
  • Find the last Dune sequel by Frank Herbert.
    • Went to the last page from Frank Herbert
    • “Wrote a lot of books”
    • “Sandworms of Dune”
      • Don’t think it was the last one in the prototype
      • Has the word Dune in it and most recent book that has Dune
  • Find a movie adaptation of Dune.
    • See all forms
    • Look under format
    • Only book
    • Under item page
      • Did command f and looked for movie
      • Typed in dune
        • Movie is first result

Follow up questions

  • Which of these tasks do you currently do when researching or looking for resources?  Which of these tasks would you not do? Would you please explain why?
    • Other options
    • Look up is it an online resource (limited textbooks or library is closed)
    • Have not looked up translation, movie, sequel
    • Haven’t needed to look up translation - all schooling is English
      • If taking language class, book would already be in title of language, or English title
    • Sequels: haven’t had to look up sequels - no time to read pleasure books. 
    • Movie: No time to watch movies
  • Would any of these features be useful to you in how you search or do research?  
    • Not sequel - second or third edition of a textbook
      • Have done
      • Usually aware there is a different edition and will be looking up that specific edition
      • If pleasure book, good to know what the sequel
    • Personally: translation, unless read in Spanish or English, then useful
      • Not a lot of time to be reading
    • Movie: not useful to me - a lot more advertising around movies -
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about any of the features you saw?
    • If you could go on the book item
      • Clicking language - 
        • “See other translations”
      • Being able to access book for borrow direct or ILL
    • From other forms
      • Didn’t realize had to X out the work
      • Maybe popup that says if you want to see something else, X out
    • Looking for online chat
      • Used once a long time ago
      • Could chat be on the bottom right like a lot of sites
        • Top right is hard to see

Explore all related items

    We’re ok with testing out 

    If on website, would click it

Thought it would be any tiles with word “dune” in it - similar to sequels

Would not have thought translations or adaptations

Wonder if could say like “View other adaptations, translations”

    Only difference between this and the item page - is adaptations and translations

Make the link boxed/white box

    Make it stand out

    It just looks like a different link

Don’t quite know what it’s going to be

“View more related information and titles related to Dune”

Liked the prototype - got to the point

Can copies that are available - 

    Helpful to see textbook - immediately go to availability

    Show under the availability 

Could get pictures of the books under the search results

Would make it more evident that it is a different copy

  • No labels