Archived / Obsolete Documentation

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File System Creation and Sizing Information

Choosing A File System

For most DSpace installations on Linux, there is not good cause to use a file system other than ext3. Or, for that matter the default file system of any UNIX installation.

Determining the Number of inodes to Use

Due to the structure of the AssetStore on disk, specifically due to the number of directories used by the assetstore, it may be necessary to create the file system on which the assetstore exists with a greater than default inode to disk space ratio. This can be done by providing a ratio as an argument or by providing a set number of inodes for the filesystem when running mkfs.ext3 on the disk partition or lvm2 pv. See man mke2fs(8) for more info.

To monitor the number of inodes used under linux, the command df -i can be used. The readability flags can be combined the with -i inode flag.

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