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This is a list of Manakin features and some hints on how to check that each one works. Please work your way through this list testing each item. Record that you have checked each item and you either found no errors or list a short description of the error found. If you find any errors please send them to the email list.

Here are some example comments to provide:

  1. Error when condition X happens – Bill Johnson (2006/1/1)
  2. No errors found – Joe McTester (2006/1/2)

Thank you for helping to test Manakin!

Artifact Browser

*Front page

Check that the front page news.xml file is included along with a simple search box and a list of all the top level communities. The news.xml file should be located inside your dspace/config/ directory.

*Community list

_Check that all communities & collections are displayed. This page is also likely to have performance problems, if your page is slow then try the " = false

" parameter. See the installation manual for more information._


Check that searching for items in the repository return all appropriate results.

*Advanced Searching

Check that entering an advanced search return all appropriate results. Attempt to compose several search queries that use using different conjunctions and types and check that the query is composed correctly.

*Browse title, dates, authors & subjects

Check that the browse navigation works correctly, next page, previous page, the alphabet, "first few letters", and date options. Also check that browse queries scoped to a particular community or collection work as expected. For author and subject browsing make sure that the item list works correctly.

*Sending feedback

Check that the feedback page (/feedback) allows the user to send emails to administrators. For this feature to work you need to ensure that your smtp parameters are set correctly in your dspace.cfg.

*Contact us page

Check that the contact us page (/contact) works as expected (just show the administrator email address)

*Community page

Check that the community page works as expected: the community metadata is displayed (intro, copyright, logo, etc), A scoped search box is provided, sub collections / communities are listed, and the last 5 recent submissions are listed. Also check that the browsing scope has changed in the navigation menu, you can now browse for items within this community.

*Collection page

Check that the collection page works as expected: the collection metadata is displayed (intro, copyright, logo, etc), a scoped search box is provided, and the last 5 recent submissions are listed. Also check that the browsing scope has changed in the navigation menu, you can now browse for items within this collection.

*Item page

Check that an item is displayed correctly: Metadata is displayed, files are listed, and the items collection(s) are listed. Also check that the toggle between full record and simple record work.


Check that items which are restricted are inaccessible by those that do not have the appropriate privileges. To test this go to the administrative authorization system and remove anonymous access from an item and then attempt to access the item as an anonymous user, and then again as a regular (non-privileged) user who does not have access to the item.


Check that bitstreams are accessible. Also check two special conditions, 1) HTML bitstreams, check that you can access other named bitstreams on the item by changing the url name correctly to reach those bitstreams. 2) Check that restricted bitstreams are inaccessible, like the security check above restrict a bitstream and attempt to access it as an anonymous user and an a regular (non-privileged) user.

E-Person Aspect


Check that by providing valid credentials (name & password) you are able to authenticate as the correct person and that by providing invalid credentials that you fail to authenticate.


Check that once you have successfully logged into Manakin that you are able to logout.

*Register as a new user

Check that you can register as a new user, this involves two parts first entering your email address and receiving a token in your email. Once you've received the token return to the site to complete the registration processes. Also check all the error conditions, such as using invalid tokens (or previously used tokens!), insufficient or mismatching passwords, failure to provide user name, phone, etc...

*Edit your profile

Check that you can edit your own user profile. Again also check the error edge cases, deleting your name, giving two different passwords, etc...

*Forgot your password

Check that you can reset your password after forgetting it. This involves two steps, first registering your password as forgotten so that the system will send you a token in email and then using the token to reset your password. Check the edge cases, re-using tokens, mismatched passwords, logging back in after resetting your password, etc...

Submission Aspect

*Start a new submission

In-order to start a new submission you will need an account that is in the submitters group for a particular collection. Check that you can start a new submission via two methods, first through the submissions page (/submissions) and second by viewing the collection's page and clicking the link to submit new items to the collection. The first method should ask you for a collection to submit two while the second method does not. After this check that the submission steps (listed below) also work correctly.

*Resume a submission

Check that after leaving an unfinished submission you are able to resume the submission by finding it listed on the "submissions" page.

*Select a collection

Check that you can select a collection which you have submission rights too and proceed with submitting an item.

*Step: initial questions

Check that you can answer the initial questions and that they modify the describe steps as described. Also check that after making a decision and completing the describe steps you are able to return to the initial questions page and change you're answers.

*Step: describe

Check that you can provide metadata for the item you are submitting. Check possible edge cases such as not providing a title, giving invalid date values, adding & removing multiple metadata values.

*Step: upload

Check that you can upload a file, edit metadata about the file, and remove previously uploaded files from the submission. Check possible edge cases such as uploading empty files, failed uploads, etc...

*Step: review

Check that all metadata is listed as entered and that each step is accessible for review.

*Step: License

Check that you can not proceed with out accepting the license.

*Claim / Unclaim / Preform tasks

This is a workflow related item and before testing requires that you are assigned to preform at least one of the workflow steps for a particular collection and a new item has been submitted to that collection. Check that you are able to claim a task from the pool of unclaimed tasks and that you can return claimed tasks back to the pool for others to preform. Also check that you can preform task (check for each workflow step: 1, 2, and 3) that you can approve the item to proceed to the next step (all steps) or reject the item (steps 1 & 2 only). Also workflow step 2 may edit the item's metadata before approving the item, check that this works correctly. Check possible edge or error conditions such as quitting and returning later or rejecting with out providing a reason, etc...

Administrative Aspect

All of these items will require either administrative access or some form of a privileged account to access. Administrative features tent to be very complex this is just a brief list, be brave and explore all facets of each items.

*Manage E-People

Check that you can manage e-people in dspace: adding new accounts, editing them, and removing them. Try to check all possible edge cases such as: using duplicate names, emails, resetting passwords, logging in as a newly created user, etc...

*Manage Groups

Check that you can manage groups in dspace: add new groups, editing them, and removing them. Try to check all possible edge cases such as using duplicate names, circular membership lists, etc...

*Metadata Registry

Check that you can manage the metadata registry: create new schemas, add metadata fields to the schema, move fields between schemas, remove fields, and remove schemas. Check possible edge cases such as deleting fields or schemas that are currently being used by some items, or attempting to add invalid field / schema names.

*Format Registry

Check that you can manage the format registry: create new formats, edit formats, and remove formats. Check possible edge cases such as deleting formats currently being used by bitstreams or using duplicate format names.

*Manage Authorizations

''Check that you can manage item, collection, and community authorizations: create new policies, editing policies, and removing policies (for all three types).

*Edit Item

Check that you can manage an item's state, bitstreams, and metadata. Check that you can withdraw, and then reinstate an item, delete it completely. Check that you can manage the item's bitstreams: upload new bitstreams, edit editing bitstreams, or remove old bitstreams. Check that you can edit the item's metadata: add new metadata, edit existing metadata, or remove metadata. Check possible edge cases.

*Edit Collection

Check that you can edit a collection: edit it's metadata and authorizations. Specifically check that metadata can be updated (try to use html tags in the metadata and make sure they work), upload and remove the logo, add and edit authorization roles: administrators, workflow step 1, 2, & 3, submitters, and the default read privileges. Also check that you can delete the collection. Check possible edge cases.

*Edit Community

Check that you can edit a community's metadata. Check that HTML tags work in it's metadata, uploading & remove logos. Also check that you can delete the community. Check possible edge cases.

*Create a collection

Check that you can create a new collection, provide metadata & logo. Check possible edge cases.

*Create a community

Check that you can create a community, provide metadata & logo. Check possible edge cases.

*Item Mapper

Check that you can map items into the a collection from other collection and then unmap those items (removing them from the collection).

*Control Panel

Check that you can access the control panel and activate a system-wide alert.

*Security: collection administrator

Check that a collection administrator (who is not a super admin) is able to access the features they are suppose to and none of the others. Collection administrators should be able to edit a collection's metadata, authorization groups (but not create or those groups). They should also be able to edit metadata for items with in the collection and withdraw items from the collection but they may not delete. Collection administrators without additional privileges should not be able to add,edit, or remove bitstreams on items within their collection.

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