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5.x Documentation

(question) Open (please investigate this page)

(lightbulb) In progress (it is being worked on)

 Ready for review (please check my work)

(error) Reviewed and needs work (either additions, deletions, or modifications)

(tick) Closed (final review complete and accepted)


Please indicate in a new row if a new page is needed


Quick Start
  • Add a preamble about how Fedora is generally deployed (e.g. on a server running a servlet container application)
  • Add note about how to check Java version using a command line
  • Add or link to an explanation about servlet containers
  • Add a step to the One-Click Run instructions about clicking the Start button and launching a new browser tab with Fedora running

David WilcoxDeployment Tooling
  • Add links and explanations for Vagrant, Docker, Kubernetes, and Ansible
  • Add alternate instructions for cloning from GitHub via the web interface
  • Add instructions for opening a command line application and navigating to an appropriate directory before running commands
  • Latest tagged Docker release is 5.0.0
  • Docker instructions are scattered and unclear. Need more detail on how to deploy and connect to the containers
  • Kubernetes instructions need more detail, particularly on requirements for getting up and running
  • Ansible instructions are for Fedora 4.4, repo hasn’t been updated since 2015, suggest removing

Jennifer GilbertFeature Tour

Screenshots should be updated from Fedora 4 to 5.

Jennifer GilbertReworded first sentence for clarity.The instructions for Creating Containers or Binaries tells the user to select "container" but the screenshot displays "object" as the type.

Jennifer Gilbert
Might be helpful to expand on how/why of binary description (not the binary itself)

Jennifer GilbertMinor change one sentence

Jennifer Gilbert

Jennifer Gilbert

This page is orphaned from the main Feature Tour page (Feature Tour - Actions



Minor grammatical edits
  • LDP-RS should be linked or defined in the document
  • Hash URI should be linked or defined
  • Document where system properties are set













(lightbulb)Jennifer Gilbert

(lightbulb)Jennifer Gilbert








The "Overview" section states that this page includes "best practices when using Fedora Versioning," no practices are explicitly mentioned. Perhaps reorganizing sections to move more fluidly from an explanation of Fedora's implementation of Memento, to the use of versioning in Fedora. This page also seems to lack information about implementing versioning either directly on the page, or by linking out. The "Note bene" section states "Fedora does not automatically initiate versioning for all resources.  The client MUST initiate versioning by invoking a special Link header at the time a resource is created." The phrase "invoking a special Link header" lacks explanation, "See ?????" needs a link to a relevant resource. I would also recommend moving the statement that Fedora does not automatically initiate versioning into the "Overview" section rather than the bottom "Note bene."

In the "Overview" section, a link to information about the "internal PID minter" would be helpful. The term "PID" is used without first being defined. The phrases "external REST service" and "external HTTP minter service" appear to be used interchangeably, this can be confusing.

This page would benefit from more information about what implementing LDP means practically for interacting with resources, e.g. what is the effect of "Fedora uses LDP terminology to describe resources and associated properties"?  What does this allow a repo manager or user to do in/with Fedora? Strongly recommend tying this in (and linking) to existing pages with more concrete examples, e.g. LDP-PCDM-F4 In Action and associated pages.

Since the page mentions "...web resources that describe their state using the RDF data model." Connecting this to a discussion of using RDF, containers and properties, is probably also worthwhile. Also see "Notes" below about the Common metadata design patterns page, they may be more relevant here.

Some other related pages appear to be:




Paul CumminsAdministrator Guide

Under the first section, "Deploying..." something could be added to indicate that it covers Tomcat and Jetty and Java properties.

"The Fedora 4 " (Authentication (AuthN) and Authorization (AuthZ) framework} could maybe be changed to The Fedora ...

The 3rd heading could indicate that it covers info on the camel serialization module and installation and use of the import-export utility.

The last heading's section (OAI Provider) says that it is not in support since Fedora 4.4,  consider removing heading and linked page or add historical link.

(lightbulb)Paul Cummins

First header, "Downloads", could be "Requirements you may have to download",  it mentions a java version output and lists 2 application containers you can chose from.

Besdie the "Java 8" bullet, maybe a link to a statement on current java versions and when the community changes.

The line "See the latest release for Fedora WAR files to download." should be below the requirements.

The sections on Deploying with Tomcat 8 and Jetty should be merged with the next section on Deploying that lists 4 methods of deploying.

All of the section about deploying is copied into the next major section: "Application Configuration".  One of these should be removed.

 Under "Tomcat 8" a method of setting properties is mentioned for Ubuntu, an additional entry could be made for Red Hat configurationss:

"With Red Hat/CentOs systems, a file can be placed in /etc/profile.d/  to hold the JAVA_OPTS line."

"Configuration Elements"

The actual required part this section mentions should be separated and placed at the top of the section.

Under the "One-click run",  the command line should end in a ".jar" instead of a ".war".  Also there should be a note that this will not work if you are only looking at a terminal command line, you need to also be at the GUI desktop/console of the computer.


This section and the one above  need to be reconciled as they have mostly the same information.









Import and Export Tools

Setup Camel Message Integrations




Optional - Audit Service



Optional - OAI-PMH Provider

Developer GuideUpdated Islandora documentation link.

Melissa AnezUser Guide
I'd like to see this section expand with more end-user and non-dev "intro" content. Maybe a new page with core concepts, or a fact sheet? And link from the Quick Start so it's more findable.

Melissa AnezUpdated heading to put the content type first and the location second (seems more relevant), then re-ordered alphabetically. This page could use a more basic and fulsome introduction to concepts, and more examples. Islandora models will probably be relatively similar across installations, so one could cover a lot of ground. 

Melissa AnezAdded another example, more specific link for Islandora mappings
(lightbulb)Melissa AnezFAQs and How-Tos

The line "We expose our underpinning technologies (at the Java API level, at least) for developers, so it is also helpful (and sometimes even necessary) to be familiar with the features and functions those technologies offer:" implies there's more than one example, but this page just has Modeshape.

"Introduction" section needs context. Annotate the links?

Melissa Anez
This needs a pretty big overdate/overhaul for the latest in Fedora. I'm not sure if it would be more appropriate to change it to a 3 →5 map, or to add a new layer and map 3->-4→ 5

This page appears as though it could be related to the Linked Data Platform page and mutually linked. Given that other pages it links to mention RDF, this could also be a place to explain more about using RDF, or to link out elsewhere. A relationship between LDP and RDF, as they apply to Fedora, needs to be drawn somewhere; perhaps on this page. A potential way to begin this explanation may be found in the "Properties" and "Relationships" sections buried within the How to Model a Book page. The following pages also appear to cover similar topics and content, but the connections across these pages aren't being drawn: 

The phrase "This section documents some available patterns for using the former to meet the latter" is confusing. The main content is a note about "blank nodes" prior to any explanation of "nodes", this note is convoluted and rather difficult to follow. The page provides links to "patterns" without an explanation of what a pattern is, or how to use a pattern. Two of the links point to blank pages: 

This page needs content or to be removed. It appears that "Date and time ranges" are supposed to be a "pattern" mentioned by the Common metadata design patterns page.


The title for this page, "Ordering" is not descriptive enough of the content in the page. The first sentence: "RDF, as a graph, is inherently unordered, and this can lead to difficulty when forms of description that presuppose ordering are translated into it" Needs to define RDF, or link to information about RDF or Fedora's implementation of RDF. Again, there are many related pages discussing metadata and RDF, that could be more systematically organized and linked.

Anna Dabrowski
This page needs content or to be removed. It appears that "Paired values" are supposed to be a "pattern" mentioned by the Common metadata design patterns page.











(lightbulb)Anna Dabrowski

(lightbulb)Anna Dabrowski


There are many related pages that could be more systematically organized and linked.

There are many related pages that could be more systematically organized and linked.
There are many related pages that could be more systematically organized and linked.
There are many related pages that could be more systematically organized and linked.





Design: Binaries and Descriptions

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