Fedora Strategic Planning Sub-Committee - Resources Group

Date: Tues. June 28, 2022


Arran Griffith

Kate Dohe

Jon Dunn

Robin Ruggaber

Meg Blume (LYR)

Jenn Bielewski (LYR)


  • Jenn and Meg from Member Communications Team at LYRASIS attended meeting to bring ideas and help build a marketing plan for Fedora to raise awareness

Background Info:

  • Education piece seems to be missing and want to connect with stakeholders who don’t understand the importance of Fedora
  • New Deans at institutions aren’t as involved in OSS and don’t have the same invested interest in Fedora (challenges we've seen at institutions)
    • Different priorities so to get them invested we need to find a way to connect them to Fedora
      • Need to find a way to get people invested and give them ownership
      • How can we get people to feel like they have ownership of this program and not that they’re just funding an old piece of software that someone else built and someone else invested in
  • Plan/Proposal
    • Compelling stories about why digital preservation is important and then tie it back to how Fedora solves that problem
    • Importance of digital preservation of the underlying infrastructure
      • Ie. look to our 3 targeted stakeholder groups - some of these groups will want the WHAT to help leverage why they need Fedora at their institution
    • Begin to develop content marketing - telling the story in a very specific way that resonates with the people we need to hit
    • Share the story via social channels
      • Many social channels not appropriate for Fedora specifically, but can leverage the power of LYRASIS''s presence to gain traction
    • Focus on highlighting the actual work and use cases of Fedora in action
    • WHY is Fedora around? WHY is Fedora important?
    • Targeted information sharing is important too to hit all the stakeholders who are interacting with the software
    • Seeking Advocates who can share these compelling stories?
      • We need to think of these people and make the outreach to see if they are willing to help
  • Why choose Fedora is a resounding question
    • Hesitation in dropping Fedora points to the “long game” - if we drop it, how long will it be until we have to move to something new?
    • Access vs. Preservation conversation and the importance of both - “yes AND” idea; We want access AND preservation and not one or the other
    • Fedora doesn't actually solve preservation in an of itself, but it supports and provides ability to build preservation piece
  • Bringing OCFL Editorial Board in to bring a comment or education piece to the content
    • Would need to structure this content too to meet the stake holder group it is intended for
  • What channels do you consume information like we are proposing creating
    • Email (targeted)
    • Word of mouth
    • Conferences
    • Libtech Twitter
  • Meg and Jenn to being to draft a plan and a strategy for us to react too
  • No labels