Fedora Strategic Planning Sub-Committee - Resources Group

ITAV Activity: 7A: Adjusting Existing Revenue Streams

Date: Thurs. April 21, 2022

ITAV Wiki: https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/ITAV/It+Takes+a+Village+Home

Activity Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j0nh4Wk8TTF_hLGhAk0gPY6wUkW4m8FcF7wLeZcmaxE/edit


Heather Greer Klein



Jennifer G.





Google Doc for Activity: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1966e2SV8Qa2ine-KCts-mSzMGZZ62RFhAlaiXG0n4_Q/edit?usp=sharing

Strategies to Explore:

  • Recurring theme of lowering entry level buy-in or adjusting membership model to be based on institutional size vs. "Pay what you want"
    • Question: Are there other OSS programs out there who have seen increases in overall membership as a result of lowering the barriers to entry? Operationally, is it worth it?
    • Look to Samvera for membership model - based on institutional size
      • Change was made over several years and many institutions in lower categories actually able to pay higher amounts and volunteer to do so
  • Strategic Planning - offer a more clear and conscience outline of what the ultimate goals are
  • More Opportunity to get user stores and use cases in front of folks
    • User Group Meetings
    • Demo videos
    • Success Stores
    • Open Houses
  • One-Time Funding lift tied to a specific purpose (ie. to support work on strategic planning)
  • Calendarize out outreach and membership renewals for internal use
    • Draft Survey to send to Member Liaisons
      • Include phrasing asking if they want to pay by "membership" or "direct funding of software" or something like that
      • Ask for specifics on financial year
  • Formalize and create Talking Points

Next Steps:

  • Group will vote on which of these to prioritize and tackle
  • No labels