BagIt is a specification for packaging/storing content for preservation and transfer. For Chronopolis, we use the bagit specification as a base, only updating certain files to be required.


Bag Structure
         |   bagit.txt
         |   manifest-sha256.txt
         |   bag-info.txt
         |   tagmanifest-sha256.txt
         \--- data/
               |   [payload files]

Currently we require sha256 for Chronopolis, so all manifests are appended with "-sha256"

Data Files

The data files (or, the payload of a bag) in the BagIt spec  are all the files found under the data directory. If there are orphaned files (those not found in the manifest, but exist in the data directory), a bag is deemed to be invalid.

Tag Files

Tag files are all those in that exist outside of the data directory. The bagit.txt and bag-info.txt files are standard and we follow the same requirements as in the bagit specification for them.


Optional Tag Files



Each file is digested and added to the tagmanifest. DPN has its own constraints on the dpn-info.txt file which we conform to.

Unaccepted Tag Files