POST request to LDPCv to create new



With Fedora API Specification:

With Memento Specification:

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LDPCv Example Response

# GET request to LDPCv
curl http://localhost/rest/a/fcr:versions -H "Accept: application/link-format" -v

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2017 00:06:50 GMT
< Server: Apache
< Content-Type: application/link-format
< Accept-Post: text/turtle,text/rdf+n3,text/n3,application/rdf+xml,application/n-triples,application/ld+json,multipart/form-data,application/sparql-update
< Accept-Patch: application/sparql-update
< Connection: close

<http://localhost/rest/a>;rel="original timegate",
; rel="self";type="application/link-format"
; from="Tue, 20 Jun 2016 18:02:59 GMT"
; until="Wed, 09 Apr 2017 20:30:51 GMT",
<http://localhost/rest/a/fcr:versions/20160620180259356>; rel="memento";datetime="Tue, 20 Jun 2016 18:02:59 GMT",
<http://localhost/rest/a/fcr:versions/version_1>; rel="memento";datetime="Fri, 06 Jan 2017 18:50:11 GMT",
<http://localhost/rest/a/fcr:versions/20170409203051112>; rel="memento";datetime="Wed, 09 Apr 2017 20:30:51 GMT",

Example Interactions to Version a Resource or a Tree

# 1 - Create LDPRm of single resource
1) curl -XPOST /a/fcr:versions -H "Depth: 0"
  a) Create LDPRm /a/fcr:versions/20170919080311 in LDPCv
2) GET /a/fcr:versions/20170919080311
  </a/fcr:versions/20170919080311> ldp:contains </a/b>
3) GET /a
  </a> ldp:contains </a/b>

# 2 - Create LDPRm of tree
1) curl -XPOST /a/fcr:versions -H "Depth: infinity"
  a) Create LDPRm /a/fcr:versions/20170919080311
  b) Create LDPRm /a/b/fcr:versions/20170919080311
2) GET /a/fcr:versions/20170919080311
  </a/fcr:versions/20170919080311> ldp:contains </a/b>
3) GET /a
  </a> ldp:contains </a/b>

Note: if in example 2 the LDPRm were to have relationship:
</a/fcr:versions/20170919080311> ldp:contains </a/b/fcr:versions/20170919080311>
there would still be multiple parents containing

How does delete behave when multiple LDPRs (a LDPRv and a LDPRm) both ldp:contains the same child? What happens if you delete the LDPRm?

Handling Deletion of Referenced Resources / Mementos

Approach 1 - Prevent deletion

1) Given two resources, /a and /b, where:
</a> dc:related </b>

2) Create a version of /a with `POST /a/fcr:versions`, which creates LDPRm:

3) Delete /b
< HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition failed
< Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 19:55:15 GMT
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Content-Length: 77
< Server: Jetty(9.2.3.v20140905)
Cannot delete resource with incoming relationships from immutable resources.

Approach 2 - Allow deletion, ignore referential integrity

1) Given two resources, /a and /b, where:
</a> dc:related </b>

2) Create a version of /a with `POST /a/fcr:versions`, which creates LDPRm:

3) Delete /b
< HTTP/1.1 204

4) Get /a
</a> dc:related </b>

5) Get /b
< HTTP/1.1 410 Gone

Accept-Datetime Negotiation Example

Given a LDPRv with two mementos
* Rv => LDPRv, fedora:created = 2017-09-13T20:11:31.291Z
* M1 => LDPRm, memento:datetime = 2017-09-08T18:01:33.535Z
* M0 => LDPRm, memento:datetime = 2017-09-04T09:20:12.030Z

1) GET Rv with no Accept-Datetime
Returns Rv as a LDPRv response.
2) GET Rv "Accept-Datetime: Thu, 1 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT" (prior to resource creation)
Response 404 not found
3) GET Rv "Accept-Datetime: Wed, 06 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT" (Between M0 and M1)
Returns M0 as a LDPRm response, with Content-Location referencing M0
4) GET Rv "Accept-Datetime: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT" (Between M1 and Rv)
Return M1 as a LDPRm response, with Content-Location referencing M1
5) GET Rv "Accept-Datetime: Sat, 16 Sep 2017 00:00:00 GMT" (after Rv)
Returns Rv as a LDPRv response.
6) GET Rv "Accept-Datetime: Fri, 08 Sep 2017 18:01:33 GMT" (Exact match)
Return M1 as a LDPRm response, with Content-Location referencing M1

To summarize:
1) If no Accept-Datetime is provided, then the LDRPv is returned
2) If Accept-Datetime is provided, then the nearest LDPRm with a Memento-Datetime < than requested time, or LDPRv with created time < than requested time is returned.

Draft Tickets

Add versioning response headers to LDPRv HEAD/GET responses

The following headers should be added to responses to HEAD and GET requests to LDPRv's only when the resource is versioned (has the type):

See Pattern 1.2 in for details.

Support Datetime negiotation for LDPRvs

Implement support for datetime negotiation for the retrieval of previous versions of a resource as follows:

Add versioning headers for LDPRm HEAD/GET responses

Responses to LDPRm HEAD and GET requests must include headers as outlined below. A resource is a LDPRm if it is of type

Support OPTIONS request on LDPRms

Response to include header 'Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE'

Prevent modification requests to LDPRm

PATCH/POST/PUT requests should all return 405 responses

DELETE -  If a resource is deleted from the repository, it appears as if all triples across the repository that have that resource as an object will get removed.  Even in a versioned resource.  According to the API spec, mementos need to be immutable.  This particular behavior of cleaning up will have to change where mementos are concerned.  

PUT requests to LDPRv (work in progress)


If a Accept-Datetime is provided on a regular PUT request to an LDPRv

POST request to LDPCv to create new LDPRm (work in progress)

Update POST to LDPCv to include support for versioning headers.  In practice, the LDPCv for object with uri <http://localhost/rest/a> would be <http://localhost/rest/a/fcr:versions>


Create an LDPCv

Implement the creation of a LDPCv.  

Delete a LDPCv


Delete a LDPRv

(this one might not actually be a ticket, since the behavior, though not totally correct, is in line with what we're targeting.)

DELETE of a LDPR is part of the fedora implementation currently, and will stay part of it.  Per discussion on the fedora-tech list, linking the lifecycle of a LDPR and it's corresponding LDPRm's is okay. When the LDPRv is deleted, the mementos will also be deleted.   

There is the concern about deleting LDPRs and LDPRm's that are referenced by other resources or versions of resources. 

Implement application/link-format for TimeMaps


Requests to an LDPCv/TimeMap for a LDPRv must support a "application/link-format" response type, as shown in the example 

GET on LDPCv must return interaction model

"An implementation must indicate TimeMap in the same way it indicates the Container interaction model of the resource via HTTP headers."


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