While we do our best to provide live, interactive Q&A via Slack, obviously we all get busy at times (or need to sleep).  So, if you do not get a response via Slack, we recommend emailing your question to the dspace-tech Mailing List as an alternative.  If you are encountering issues with DSpace, you should also review the recommendations under our Troubleshoot an error guide.

DSpace also provides a Slack team for day-to-day discussions or Q&A.  We recommend ONLY joining Slack if you wish to take part in these day-to-day discussions within our open source community. That said, all are welcome, whether you are a developer, repository manager, or systems administrator!

Please be aware that most of our Slack channels are publicly logged at http://dspace-org.slackarchive.io/.  If you would rather ask questions in an "unlogged", private manner, we also provide a #dspace IRC channel for that purpose.